A Qualitative Study to Examine The Effectiveness of a Citizen Advisory Committee


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Virginia Tech


The question of advisory group effectiveness continues to be a topic for discussion and research. As these groups have been organized to study and give recommendations on a diversity of issues, questions have arisen in relationship to their ability to impact educational decision making.

The purpose of this research was to examine the perceptions of effectiveness held by members of a Citizen Advisory Committee and by members of a school board in relationship to the committee's ability to complete tasks as requested by the school board. Data were gathered from members of the Citizen Advisory Committee and the school board through the use of a questionnaire and individual interviews. Data analysis revealed concerns in relationship to the clarity and number of tasks assigned by the school board, membership on the committee, feedback from the school board, and the future of the advisory committee.

In conclusion, citizen advisory councils can be an effective avenue to involve the community in the operation of schools when given appropriate education and support.



advisory committee effectiveness
