An Analysis of Adherence in Childhood Diabetes: Social Learning and Family Systems Variables


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Virginia Tech


The purpose of the current study was threefold: 1) to assess youths' and parents' perceptions of their competency in managing diabetes, 2) to assess family flexibility and cohesiveness, and 3) to assess the utility of self-efficacy and family factors as predictors of adherence and metabolic control. Participants included 62 youths with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and their parents. Parents' and youths' perceptions of their abilities in diabetes and related situations, family cohesion and adaptability, and perceptions of the family's ability to integrate the demands of the diabetes regimen into general family routines were assessed. Results suggested that both social learning factors and general family relations were important in the prediction of youths' adherence to the treatment regimen for diabetes and metabolic control. Moreover, family efficacy and family cohesion were related, suggesting the need for models of assessment and intervention that include both social learning and general family functioning variables.



diabetes, adherence, metabolic control, pediatrics
