A temperature correlation for the radiation resistance of a thick-walled circular duct exhausting a hot gas

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Acoustical Society of America


It is often useful to know the radiation impedance of an unflanged but thick-walled circular duct exhausting a hot gas into relatively cold surroundings. The reactive component is shown to be insensitive to temperature, but the resistive component is shown to be temperature dependent. A temperature correlation is developed permitting prediction of the radiation resistance from a knowledge of the temperature difference between the ambient air and the gas flowing from the duct, and a physical basis for this correlation is presented.



Temperature, Radiation impedance, Acoustic pressure


Mahan, J. R., Cline, J. G., & Jones, J. D. (1984). A temperature correlation for the radiation resistance of a thick-walled circular duct exhausting a hot gas. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 75(1), 63-71. doi: 10.1121/1.390301