Scaling-up - Integration of vegetables and agroforestry system in Asian watersheds: The SANREM-TMPEGS Philippine strategy

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Los BaƱos, Philippines: School of Environmental Science and Management, University of the Philippines


The training need assessment was conducted with the main objectives of determining the specific capacity building needs of the different stakeholders (training needs assessment TNA) and identifying gaps that TMPEGS can address in terms of capacity building for two major groups: farmers and tree growers and policy makers. The TNA has the following specific objectives: 1) to determine prospective participants / clients of capacity building activities; and 2) to design IEC materials; and 3) to formulate design for scaling up strategy.



Participatory processes, Training, Community-based organizations, Soil conservation, Local policy, Institutional capacity building, Conservation strategy, Gender, Sustainable forestry, Conservation incentives, Agroforestry, Water, Conservation, Water quality, Agriculture, Capacity building, Stakeholders, Policymaking, Scaling up, Policy incentives, Water conservation, Irrigation, Governance


SANREM CRSP LTRA-5 Annual Report