Gender, water, and climate change in Sonora, Mexico: Implications for policies and programmes on agricultural income-generation

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This article concentrates on the viability of gendered agricultural production in Sonora, Mexico in the framework of climate change. Sonora, Mexico was selected as the study area because fruit and vegetable family production still persists even though several types of fruit cannot be grown in the area due to increasing temperatures throughout the region. Feminist research methodologies were employed while conducting interviews to collect data. The results indicated that female farmer incomes are threatened by climate change and the exhaustion of water supplies. The results also showed that men and women depend differently on agricultural activities. The loss of income due to the effects of climate change on agricultural production of fruits and vegetables leave women vulnerable because other forms of employment demand higher education and do not pay an adequate wage. In the face of dramatic loss of income, the author suggests a combination of adaption and mitigation policies. These policies should include: job-creation and training programs, agricultural projects with erosion mitigation, water harvesting/retention, reforestation, natural fertilizer and local seeds.


Metadata only record


Women, Livelihoods, Gender, Income generation, Sustainability, Climate change, Development policy, Development programs, Water resources, Development programs, Water, Sonora, Mexico, Adaptation, Farm/Enterprise Scale Governance


Gender and Development 17(1): 51-66