Participation and poverty reduction: An analytical framework and overview of the issues

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Centre for the Study of African Economies


In order to be most efficacious, antipoverty interventions must be economically sustainable and well-matched to the needs and culture of the audience it serves. Financiers, providers, and beneficiaries are identified as the main actors in these interventions. This article examines the benefits of beneficiary participation as providers in project implementation, especially benefits regarding implementation cost. Community participation, social capital, and trust are identified as key components of project success but also represent potential barriers to participation of the poor in fractionalized communities. The authors acknowledge the limitations of case studies and calls for more empirical analyses of beneficiary participation.


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Rural development, Community institutions, Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), Social capital, Economic policy, Community-based organizations, Economic modeling and analysis, Community participation, Local knowledge, Community development, Collective action, Rural planning, Community participation, Poverty reduction, Financing, Providers, Beneficiaries, De jure participation, De facto participation, Social capital, Ecosystem Watershed


Journal of African Economies 11(1): 146-168