ALCE: History of Agricultural Education at Virginia Tech

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  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats July 1943
    Groseclose, Henry C.; J. Horne, Captain Thomas.; Clear, Guy; Clark, Randolph; Farmer, Ernest; Combs, Allen; Firebaugh, Stanley; Lawson, D. M. (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1943-07)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats March 1943
    Chumney, R. D.; Stuart, Boyd; Sumpter, Bob; Myers, Nelson; Firebaugh, Stanley; Farmer, Ernest; Dickerson, Calvin; Clear, Guy; Hulslander, S. C.; Cowherd, George; Sager, Guy; Potter, Gordon; Carpenter, Burl; Moore, Weldon; Scott, Aden; Everett, Joe (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1943-03)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats May 1943
    Wilson, Francis; Brankley, Harvey; Doren, Ted Van; Lester, Ralph; Wiilson, Franklyn C.; Kline, Welty; Myers, Nelson; Sumpter, Robert; Scott, Aden; Roller, Herman; Clear, Guy; Collins, Howard; Sumpter, Robert; Carpenter, Thomas; Marshall, Edward; Bauserman, Lester; Everett, Joe; Potter, Gordon; Hatcher, Ralph; Goode, Carlton; Kinder, Frank; Stargell, Meryel; Carpenter, Burl; Hagy, Jim; Moore, Weldon; Poole, Charles (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1943-05)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats January 1943
    Roller, Beverly; Somers, Roy; Stanley, James; Stargell, Maryel; Keffer, Alton; Heatwole, Dewitt; Phillips, Clifton; Clear, Guy; Moore, Weldon; Eanes, Ralph; Dodson, Ray; Hatcher, Ralph; Crummett, Jack; Combs, Allen; Snavely, James; Alexander, H. B.; Bontz, Frank; Goode, Carlton; Kline, Welty; Walker, Richard (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1943-01)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats September 1942
    Stuart, Boyd; Beazley, L. L.; Roller, Beverly; Clear, Guy; Harris, Lemuel; Rosenwald, Lessing J.; Bantz, Frank; Massie, Alvin; Wilson, Francis; Firebaugh, Stanley; Scott, Aden; Langston, Billy; Lindsey, Allen; Stargell, Meryel; Boldin, Jack; Carson, Jr., Joe; Harris, Joe; Mayes, Dennis (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1942-09)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats November 1942
    Allen, Edward; Scott, Aden; Riddle, John E.; Harris, Lemuel; Orr, Jr., R. M.; Wood, Murray; Clear, Guy; Stuart, Boyd; Desper, Merle; Martin, Bob; Welsh, James; Myers, Nelson; Firebaugh, Stanley; Hagy, Gayle; Snavely, James; Dickerson, Calvin; Houff, Harold; Pearson, Jennings; Wampler, Glenn; John Byerly, Jr.; Clark, Randolph (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1942-11)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats July 1942
    Groseclose, H. C.; Roller, Beverly; Wheeler, Ben; Clear, Guy; Courtney, Billy; Darden, Hunter; Wall, R. A.; Walker, David; Webb, Billy; Sisson, Russell; Largen, Leland; Ott, Frank; Craddock, Letcher; Beazley, L. L.; Adams, K. N.; Clear, Guy; Stuart, Boyd; Bolen, Earl; Shealton, Gary; Starnes, Donald; Overby, Lem; Ramsey, Floyd; Myers, J. W.; Walker, David; Graves, Clinton; Firebaugh, Stanley (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1942-07)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats May 1942
    Radcliffe, Charles; Buchanan, F. A.; Thompson, Cecil; Tomlin, Carroll; Hedgebeth, George; Bickings, Howard; Carson, Jr., Joe; Howard, Dowell J.; Peer, Oliver; Ross, W. A.; L. G. Balfour Company; Walker, Richard; Patterson, Charles; Southall, William; Hodges, Arthur; Maupin, Garland; Stump, Thomas (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1942-05)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats March 1942
    Strickler, James; Yates, Parker; Kelly, Rex; Sumter, Robert; Barber, Gene; Buchanan, Felix; Shaffer, Dale; Longest, Oneil; Lee, John; Lee, Kenneth; Peer, Oliver; Howard, Dowell J.; Tomlin, Carroll; Kinder, Resse; Patterson, Charles; Fry, Russell Lee; Huckstys, Woodie; Hodges, Arthur; Lynn, Leland; Herndon, Melvin; Carraway, Clyde; Reid, Billie; Firebaugh, Stanley; Eynon, Bill; Hatcher, Ralph; Francis, Marion; Southall, Billy (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1942-03)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats January 1942
    Cooper, George P.; Hall, M. A.; Herndon, Melvin; Campbell, Sanders; Sumpter, Robert; Phipps, Edward; Correll, George; Peer, Oliver; Peer, Jr., Oliver; Wilkerson, Charles; Sheets, Ashby; Lloyd, Russell; Everette, Harvey Lee (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1942-01)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats November 1941
    Herring, Garaldyn B.; Peer, Oliver; Huffman, Johnny; Boyers, Ira; Sutton, Norman; Williams, Raymond; Smith, Claude; Hayes, Payton; Sipe, Garland; Dickenson, Lawrence; Garber, Malcom; Seay, Junior; Lloyd, Russell; Evans, Berkeley; Satterfield, Philip; Handerson, Ned; Buchanan, Felix; Armstrong, Wayne; Strickler, James; Huckstep, Woodie; Bickings, Howard; Buckner, Leroy; Jessee, Burke; Wright, Jr., John; Johnston, Dewey; Harris, Joe; Carpenter, Ledford; Gilchrist, James; Elder, Rudolph; Hopkins, J. L.; Harrell, Bill; Amburn, Ray; Lewis, Ben; Carnaway, Clyde; Raynes, Billy; Flanagan, Bonnie; Huddle, Randal; Everette, Harry Lee; Wingfield, Scott; Rogers, Samual; Lupton, Eugene; Chumney, Richard; Leonard, French; Lewis, Irving; Sisson, Alma; Lowe, Haywood; Marshall, Jay; Doren, Ted; Turner, Porter; Slemp, Pete; Ratcliffe, Charles; Patterson, Charles; Garber, Gene; Hensley, Buster; Vaught, Sam; Kiser, Billy; Gregory, Eugene; Dovel, Calvin; Hagy, Gayle; Gochenour, Virgil; Sumpter, Robert (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1941-11)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats May 1928
    Claggett, William; Groseclose, Henry C.; Smith, R. B.; Freeman, G. E.; Hardwick, Jr., Sam; Wing, Andrew; Shirley, Robert; Bullington, Boyd B.; Walker, Jr., W. B.; Morris, L. L.; Cruch, McDowell; Peoples, Frank; Marmaduke, Stanley; Grubb, Sumpter; Breeden, Ray; Hockman, Cecil; Manning, William; Crigger, William; Williams, Dexter; Hamilton, Hugh (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1928-05)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats May 1941
    Raynes, Lincoln; Dovel, John; Chezik, John; Dickerson, Fred; Bristow, Charles; Bane, Bill; Robertson, Rolfe; Weaver, Welton; Lee, Kenneth; Conduff, Hugh; Royston, Conrad; Harmon, Harrison; Hall, George; Williams, Mac; Litton, Henry D.; Johnson, Robert; Judd, Wallace; Phipps, Edward; Rosen, Elwood; Davenport, J. W.; Edward, Garrett; Kirk, William; Smith, Robert; Jones, Everette (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1941-05)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats September 1941
    Garland, Jr., James; Jackson, Leonard; Gee, Alvin; Tribble, James; Peer, Jr., Oliver; Lankford, Norman; Wall, R. A.; Copenhaver, Robert Lee; Peer, Oliver; Walker, David; Jennings, Walter; Morris, Jennings; Addison, Jimmie; Jones, Sam; Turner, J. Fred; Cochran, Clinton; Smith, Robert; O'Bannon, Robert; Rainey, Eppes; Jordan, F. H.; Robertson, Rolf; Roller, Beverly; Starling, Thomas; Jones, Bernard; Alderson, Davis; Chafin, Horace; Ward, Jack; Turner, Granvil; Edwards, Waring; Garrett, H. W.; Herring, Gerald; Adams, Keister N.; Jordan, Dwight; Sterrett, Mac; Simms, Dewey; Doughton, Charlie; Phipps, Edward; Sorah, Clint; Conduff, Hugh; Payne, Jack; Ritchie, Olin; Cogsdale, James; Ames, George K.; Lane, John; Owens, C. H.; Miller, Edward; Polen, Penn; Parlier, James (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1941-09)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats January 1941
    Royston, C. L.; Pangle, John; Courtney, Billy; Williams, Richard; Bristow, Charles; Jordan, Dwight; Addison, Jimmy; Moore, Wallace; Flippen, Herbert; Wise, Hubert; Judd, Wallace; Chezik, John; Snyder, Lester; Phipps, Edward; Lancaster, George B.; Hardy, Norman; Robey, James E.; Ware, Guilford; Wyant, Bob; Johnson, Robert; Miller, Napoleon; Dollens, Philip; Rocop, Dan; Maupin, Garland; Baum, John; Anderson, Philip; Dodson, Waldo; Lipes, C. D.; Krentz, J. D.; Brumback, Franklin; Shipe, Arthur; Dovel, John; Bales, Kirkland; Raynes, Lincoln; Mowery, Douglas; Henderson, Ogle; West, Winston; Hottel, Wayne; Hubble, Franklin; Brooks, Rowan; Dickerson, Fred; Will, Warren; Garrette, Garland; Mullins, J. D.; Jones, Everette; Yeago, Jr., Robert; Thomas, Irvin; Ames, G. K. (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1941-01)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats March 1941
    Groseclose, Henry C.; Garber, Malcom; Shipe, Arthur; Spitzer, Allen; Beach, Randolph; Durham, Richard; Smith, John; Trainer, Peter; Pangle, John; Oakes, Elmer; Eavey, Junior; Bristow, Charles; Mowery, Douglas; Dickerson, Fred; Clarke, John B.; Belcher, Billie; Brumback, Franklin; Phipps, Edward; Taylor, D. B.; Coppage, Harvey; Hubble, Billy; Johnston, Dewey; Davenport, J. W. (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1941-03)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats September 1940
    Satterwhite, Harry; Colley, Paris; Miller, Napoleon; Williams, Clifton; Bristow, Charles; Johnson, Robert; Lanier, William; Will, Warren; Miller, Jack; Jones, Everette; Sterrett, Mac; East, Billy; Tribble, James; Berry, David; Phipps, Edward; Johnston, Dewey; Beard, Ralph; Evans, David F.; Cogsdale, James; Payne, Latner; Coleman, Lynwood; Whitt, Earnest; Blackstock, Calvin; Harmon, Harrison (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1940-09)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats November 1940
    Bristow, Charles; Bristow, Jr., Charles F.; Sterrett, Mac; Ritchie, Olin; Bishop, Elbert; Wilkins Jr., C. L.; Eddins, Thomas; Williams, Richard; Judd, Wallace; Ashwell, Charlie; Beahm, Marshall; Phipps, Edward; Tribble, James; Spitzer, Allen; Ryan, Maurice; Smith, John; Leach, Dan; Rinker, Robert; Carraway, Clyde; Ritchie, Jack; Harry Etheridge; Litton, Henry D.; Tiffany, Hugh; Bane, Bill; Newberry, Edgar; Garber, Malcolm; Johnston, Lester; Baker, Robert; Eavey, Junior; Fuge, Randolph; Douel, John; Hill, Warren; Redd, Ray; Robey, James E.; Durham, Richard; Browder, Walter; Clatterbuck, Billy; Dickerson, Fred; Brooks, Rowan; Hottel, Wayne; Harpine, Frederick; Hubble, Franklin; Mowery, Douglas; Garrett, Edward; McDonald, David; Jessee, Billy; Turner, Norwood; Booth, Garland; Thompson, Marion; Belcher, Billie; Chezik, John; Raynes, Lincoln; McCarty, Harry; Lohr, Howard; Taylor, D. B.; Hawkins, Earl; Browder, Walter; Robinson, William; Pangle, John; Fitzgerald, Lyle; Dunkum, C. C. (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1940-11)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats May 1940
    Farmer, Emmet; White, James; O'Bannon, Maurice; Williams, John; Adams, Charles; Roystor, Conrad; Luttrell, Lawrence; Armstrong, William; Beach, Thomas; Houck, James; Rumburg, Ray; Davenport, J. W.; Hawks, Lawrence; Ortz, Eddie; Bell, Frank W.; Fife, Earl E.; Mooney, James; Williams, Russell; Cogsdale, James; Bryant, Calvin; Rosen, Elwood; Hypes, John W.; Walker, Roland; Walton, Bentley R.; Watkins, Hatcher; Williams, John; Sipe, Fred; Martimer, Earl; Spitzer, Allen; Hudnall, Bob; Motley, Wallace; Kessler, Harold; White, Ernest; Fielder, Robert J.; Hicks, Milton; Flanary, Fred; Snyder, R. Lester; Willson, Joe; Lee, James; Renick, James; Digges, Hampson; Livingood, Jimmy; Payne, Thomas; Dunford, Ben; Kelley, James; Lankford, Jr., Harvey; Groseclose, H. C.; Houck, John (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1940-05)
  • Future Farmers of Virginia Chapter Chats March 1940
    Roller, Beverly; Davis, Sam; Hall, George; Earley, Darrell E.; Coleman, Arthur; May, Lewis; Liddle, Nelson; Umberger, Curtis; Campbell, Mims; Noel, John; Brame, J. E.; Noblin, E. Y.; Oakes, Elmer; White, James; Shipe, Arthur; Spitzer, Allen; Comner, Archie; Rock, Ryland; Crutchfield, Ruel; Cvacho, Joe; Trumbo, Whitney; Hughes, Bobby; King, Ralph; Yeago, Meredith; Crabill, Granville; Coleman, Thomas; Bayliss, Junior; Carbaugh, Henry; Newman, Walter S. (The Future Farmers of Virginia, 1940-03)