Developing In-House Careers and Retaining Management Talent: What Hospitality Professionals Want from Their Jobs [Summary]

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Virginia Tech


High turnover rates represent one of the primary challenges the hospitality industry faces. The writers in this report investigate the retirement plans of one of the most important classes of employees: administrative workers. The writers define job traits that increase the level of commitment of executives to their companies and the business as a whole, as well as reduce the likelihood of both quitting. Results suggest hospitality executives should take care of their jobs. They are searching for demanding jobs that offer opportunities for growth, as well as competent leadership and fair pay. To the degree that these work elements are in operation, the level of commitment of the hospitality managers will improve. The dedication of managers in conduct difficult tasks specifically decreases their probability of quitting their firms and industry.



hospitality industry turnover, managerial retention, self-directed careers
