A geometric acoustics approach to the study of sound propagation in ducts containing sheared flows

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Acoustical Society of America


Geometric acoustics has been used to study the propagation of sound waves in a homogeneous moving medium with sheared flow bounded by the hard walls of a duct. Differential equations describing the ray trajectories and the spreading losses along each ray were developed and solved numerically for a range of centerline Mach numbers and shear boundary-layer thicknesses. Results were obtained which show the effects of upstream and downstream sound propagation on the ray paths. A method was also developed to allow the calculation of intensity loss profiles at specified downstream cross sections of the duct.



Duct flows, Shear flows, Sound propagation, Acoustical effects, Differential equations


Grimm, D. W., & Hurst, C. J. (1979). A geometric acoustics approach to the study of sound propagation in ducts containing sheared flows. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 66(6), 1867-1875. doi: 10.1121/1.383619