Virginia Cooperative Extension Sustainable Vegetable Gardening Series Curriculum

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Virginia Tech


The purpose of this project is to create a sustainable vegetable gardening curriculum in order for extension agents in Virginia Cooperative Extension to be able to access the information and implement the program in their own counties according to the needs of the communities. On a smaller scale, actually implementing the curriculum as a program in Prince Edward County and evaluating the gardening habits of the participants before, during and after the series is always important. This project will further assist extension agents in the future that have a need for this curriculum in their community to be able to quickly and easily apply this program. A collection of research based information regarding specifically sustainable vegetable gardening practices will be all in one place available for access. The conceptual framework of the project will be based on the Kolb’s experiential learning model which is a learning-by-doing model approach. The results of the project include a detailed learning site for extension agents to have access to that entails a month-by-month curriculum for sustainable vegetable gardening in the Learning Management System of Scholar that is used by extension agents in Virginia. Recommendations for the future of this project include but are not limited to: changing the Scholar site to the new Canvas site that will be available to agents in the future and evaluating the agents as they use the curriculum in their programing and essentially recording the impact the project has made to Virginia Cooperative Extension as a whole.



Vegetable Gardening, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Vegetable Gardening Curriculum, Organic Vegetable Gardening
