ENV 3F02 Environmental Sciences Project
Supervisor: Professor Andrew Watkinson
Advisor: Professor Mike Leeder
Distributional Characteristics of
Lianas: Example of
Hedera helix, Drayton Wood,
Author: Theresa Mercer w0005711
The principal objective of this project was
to determine whether Hedera helix was
distributed randomly or exhibited host preferences within Drayton Wood,
helix was not distributed
over potential host trees homogenously, but exhibited host associations. Quercus
robur, Crataegus monogyna and Pinus
sylvestris tree species were found to have a higher abundance of H. helix than expected by chance,
whereas Acer pseudoplatanus and Betula pendula were found to have less H. helix vines than expected.
Furthermore juvenile and mature vines were not distributed equally. Acer pseudoplatanus hosted more
juveniles and less adults than expected, whereas Quercus robur and Pinus
sylvestris hosted less juveniles and more mature vines than expected. Vines were not distributed independently of
host size. Those trees <100cm CBH had a lesser stem abundance than expected,
whereas those vines >100cm CBH had a greater stem abundance than expected.
Host preference was exhibited for those large CBH trees with rough bark as
opposed to large CBH trees with smooth bark. There was a higher abundance of H. helix (ground and trunk cover) with
distance from the edge. Ground cover was greater under those trees hosting H. helix than those not supporting H. helix.
Light did not play a major role in the distribution and abundance of H. helix (ground cover and trunk cover).
Key Words: host selectivity, host size, bark texture,
ground cover, location, light.
Front Cover Figure:
Extensive Hedera helix
cover, Drayton Wood,
Many people have contributed towards this project, and my thanks and
gratitude are extended to them all.
Many thanks to Professor Andrew Watkinson for his guidance and support
with all aspects of this project.
Thanks to Dr. Robin Haynes for his assistance with the statistical analyses
of this project and the use of SPSS.
To the staff of the Environmental Sciences store room and map room, who
have provided me with the necessary surveying equipment and information.
Thanks to Helen Baczkowska of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust for providing
information on Drayton Wood,
Thanks to Karina Dingerkus from the Norwich City Council for supplying
the Management Plan of Drayton Wood,
An immense thank you goes to my family who have provided me with support
throughout and assisted with the draft manuscript. They have made my whole
degree possible.
Last but certainly not least, an immense thank you to my partner Andrew
Kythreotis who has supported me throughout the project. Thank you especially for
your assistance with the laborious data collection in Drayton Wood and for
checking through the first draft.
1.1 Background
...pg 1
1.2 Project Aims .pg 3
1.3 Study Species pg 5
1.4 List of Abbreviations and
pg 6
2. METHODOLOGY 7 2.1 Study Site
2.2 Survey Methodology .pg 8
2.3 Problems of Methodology .pg 9
3.1 Population Characteristics of Hedera helix
...pg 10
3.2 Host Selectivity
3.3 Influence of Host
...pg 14
3.4 Influence of Bark Texture . pg 18
3.5 Hedera helix Ground Cover .......pg 21
3.6 Influence of Location .pg 25
3.7 Influence of Light
4.1 Host Selectivity .pg 28
4.2 Influence of Host Size pg 30
4.3 Influence of Bark Texture ..pg 32
4.4 Hedera helix Ground Cover .. .....pg 34
4.5 Influence of Location .pg 35
4.6 Influence of Light ...pg 36
TABLE 1: Sample tree species and Hedera helix occupation measurements
of hosts, Drayton Wood,
TABLE 2: Distribution of Hedera helix among tree species with respect
to total numbers of stems per tree species and total cross-sectional
area of vine per tree
species, Drayton Wood,
differences between residual counts and expected counts are also
pg 12
TABLE 3: Tree CBH (cm) classes, number of trees and abundance of
Hedera helix, Drayton Wood,
TABLE 4: Stem abundance of Hedera helix among tree CBH classes with
respect to tree abundance,
Drayton Wood,
differences between residual counts and expected counts are also
pg 17
TABLE 5: Numbers of colonised rough and smooth-barked trees,
Drayton Wood,
residual counts and expected
counts are also shown
. pg 20
FIGURE 1: Significant positive correlation between CBH (cm) of
trees supporting Hedera helix and the number of H. helix
stems residing on them,
Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 2: Significant positive correlation between CBH (cm) of trees
supporting Hedera helix and the percentage trunk
cover of H. helix,
Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 3: Frequency distribution of percentage trunk cover (10% intervals)
in relation to CBH (cm), Drayton
FIGURE 4: Mean cross-sectional area of Hedera helix against tree CBH (cm)
±1SE, Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 5: (a) Mean percentages of present/absent levels of Hedera helix on
smooth and rough barked trees
(b) Mean proportion of Hedera helix trunk cover occupying smooth
barked (light-coloured) and rough-barked (dark-coloured) tree
species ±1SE,
Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 6: (a) Mean percentage of trees supporting Hedera helix ±1SE
(b) Mean percentage of smooth (light-coloured) and rough-barked
(dark-coloured) trees supporting Hedera helix ±1SE, Drayton
FIGURE 7: Mean percentage of ground cover under those trees not supporting
ivy (light coloured) and those supporting ivy (dark coloured) ±1SE,
Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 8: Mean percentage of H. helix ground cover under
(a) Trees not hosting H. helix ±1SE and
(b) those trees hosting H. helix ±1SE., Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 9: Mean percentage Hedera helix ground cover under tree CBH
classes (a) trees without ivy
(b) trees with ivy ±1SE,
Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 10: Mean percentage Hedera helix ground cover with distance
from edge (a) trees supporting Hedera helix
(b) trees not supporting Hedera helix ±1SE, Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 11: Mean percentage of tree colonised with Hedera helix in
relation to distance from the edge (m) ±1SE, Drayton
FIGURE 12: Positive correlation between distance from edge (m) and
percentages of H. helix trunk cover, Drayton Wood,
FIGURE 13: Mean percentage H. helix trunk cover with distance from
edge (m) ±1SE, Drayton Wood,
1 a,b,c Botanical
features of Hedera helix
2 Plant
Species in Drayton Wood
Lianas are woody, relatively thick-stemmed climbers that begin life as terrestrial seedlings (Gentry, 1991). They are a common feature of many tropical and temperate forests. Although lianas are often found in temperate forests, their contribution to forest abundance, diversity and structure is most substantial in the tropics (Schnitzer et al, 2002). Lianas are viewed as structural parasites as they rely on rigid host plants (usually trees) for mechanical support and this aides their ascension into the forest canopy (Gentry, 1991). Lianas allocate little to structural support, the majority of plant resources being used for reproduction, canopy development, stem and root elongation (Schnitzer et al, 2002). This results in a greater canopy to stem ratio and a resulting greater proportion of photosynthetic biomass than is present in many other woody plants (Schnitzer et al, 2002).
There is wide
consensus in the scientific literature over the importance of lianas. Even so,
they are a much neglected species. (Clark, et al. 1990; Gentry, 1991;
Putz, 1984; Schnitzer, et al 2002). Studies have illustrated the
increasingly important roles of lianas in forest regeneration and competition,
species diversity and ecosystem-level processes, for example, transpiration and
carbon sequestration (Schnitzer et al, 2002). Although climbers
constitute approximately one-half of the families of vascular plants (Putz,
1984), our current understanding of lianas and their role in forest dynamics
has lagged well behind that of most other vascular plants (Schnitzer et al,
2002). Schnitzer et al further mention that this hiatus could be a
result of difficulties in studying the erratic growth patterns, rampant
vegetative reproduction and taxonomic uncertainties that are associated with
these plants. An example of this is the surveying problems involved with
studying lianas because they grow both horizontally in the undergrowth as well
as vertically into the canopy (personal observation, 2002). This may include climbing up adjoining trees
(personal observation, 2002).
Studies of lianas have mainly focused on host selectivity, their general ecology and role in forests, their possible effects on their host plants and any defence mechanisms used by the hosts against them.
This project
aims to study the distributional characteristics of lianas. It is important to
understand the factors influencing the distribution of Hedera helix, the study species, as it is a highly prized
ornamental landscape plant that has been introduced to
This survey of Hedera helix was conducted to examine its distributional characteristics. The principal objective of the survey was to determine if there was a non-random distribution of H. helix in the wood. Thus the hypothesis may be raised, as to whether H. helix exhibits host preference or not. Several possible factors influencing distribution are studied in this dissertation, namely; host selectivity, host bark texture, host size, ground cover availability, the edge effect and the influence of light.
Regarding the
host selectivity of Hedera helix, the
following questions were posed prior to investigation:
1. Does H.
helix display preference for particular tree species?
2. Does host size influence H. helix colonisation?
3. Are some tree species more likely to have mature reproductive vines on them
than others?
Secondly the influence of bark texture on the distribution of Hedera helix was examined. Many authors suggest that bark texture may affect distributional patterns of H. helix. Putz (1984), Stevens (1987) and Talley et al (1996) all found that those trees with rough bark rather than smooth or flaky bark appear to increase liana success. Therefore, the following questions were posed:
1. Does bark texture influence the distribution of H. helix?
2. If so, what constitutes favourable bark texture?
3. Does a combination of
host size and bark texture, together influence the distribution of Hedera
Thirdly, the ground cover by Hedera helix was studied. Lianas are not restricted to growing vertically (Putz, 1984) and can often be seen growing as a thick carpet in the under storey. It was considered that the distribution of H. helix ground cover may reflect any patterns of host preference. Therefore, questions asked included:
1. Is there more ground cover under those trees supporting H. helix as
opposed to trees not supporting H. helix?
2. Is H. helix ground cover distributed more abundantly under certain tree
species than others (i.e. is it species
3. Does host size affect
the amount of H. helix ground cover
found at the base of the host (i.e. is it size specific)?
Fourthly, location within the
forest was examined for influences on H.
helix distribution and the question posed;
Is the abundance of H. Helix greater at the forest edge than interior (for both ground cover and trunk cover)?
Finally, the effect of light was examined in relation to H. helix ground cover and trunk cover.
Hedera helix (common
ivy) belongs to Araliaceae, a family containing 57 genera. It is
a hardy evergreen climber, originating in
Hedera helix experiences two distinct
growth forms known as dimorphism or heteroblasty (Lee et al, 1991). The vines undergo a juvenile and mature phase, with
both often evident on one plant (Key, 1999). During the juvenile
(non-reproductive) form, H. helix is typically found growing along the
ground. Once it reaches an appropriate trellis, it proceeds to grow up into the
canopy to reach the sunlight (Key, 1999). The plant ascends the host with the
use of adventitious-roots (Appendix 1b). These are clinging rootlets that exude
a glue-like substance to support the plant without penetrating the bark of the
host (Toman, et al 1990). At this
stage, the leaves are characterised by palmate 3-5 lobes which are alternate
and simple (Key, 1999; Russell et al,
1997; personal observation, 2002). The stem is a light green colour. (Appendix
1a, 1c).
Transition of Hedera
helix to the adult (reproductive) form occurs once the ivy has reached a
considerable height (usually after two years and up to 30m). It has been linked
with reductions in gibberellic acid caused by the absence of abundant roots
(Okerman, 2001). The stems thicken and become arboreal. It develops bushy
non-climbing aerial shoots as opposed to adventitious roots. These shoots drape
towards the ground and begin to flower and berry. This gives the plant a shrub-like
appearance. The leaves at this stage
lose their shape and become narrow and elliptic. The change from a lobed leaf to a narrow,
elliptic one is assumed to give the plant a greater efficiency in catching the
sunlight necessary for photosynthesis (Key, 1999), as shown in Appendix 1a and
1c. An unlobed leaf is also better adapted to survive wind exposure than a
wide-lobed leaf and allows the flower heads more exposure to the attentions of
fertilising flies and late autumn wasps.
During the mature phase of
Hedera helix, the bark of the stem is light brown, slightly rough and
finely scaly with numerous rootlets at the nodes. These are typically only seen
on large climbing stems (Seiler, et al 2001). During this study,
diameters of H. helix stems reached 155mm and the stems of these vines
appeared to be very tree-like. Older
vines are known to reach a foot in diameter (Swearingen, 2000).
Hedera helix flowers from September to
November. The flowers are yellow blossoms, with five petals that are arranged
in rounded umbels (Toman et al, 1990) and are sweetly perfumed (Key,
1999). Following the flowering stage, the H.
helix produces berries during the winter months. These ripen in April to
June of the following year and are spherical and black with a fleshy outer
covering. The berries of H.
helix are mildly toxic. This discourages consumption of too many berries by
birds during dispersal, resulting in only a few seeds deposited at any one
time. The residual time of H. Helix seeds in the stomach of birds is
short enough so that seeds are more viable when they are released (Okerman,
CBH Circumference Breast Height (1.37m from ground level)
DBH Diameter Breast Height (1.37m from ground level).
OS Ordonance Survey
The study site
is located in Drayton Wood,
The wood is mixed (plantation and secondary) and semi-natural in character. It is predominately high forest and dry in character. The wood comprises of even-aged canopy areas dominated by Acer pseudoplatanus, Quercus robur and Pinus sylvestris. Others common species include Betula pendula, Fraxinus excelsior, Pseudotsuga menziesii and Larix deciduas. The wood is scattered with numerous ornamental/alien shrubs and herbaceous plants which were planted earlier in this century as an extension to a garden, which is adjacent to the woods eastern boundary. The ground flora in the woodland is generally poor with much Urtica dioica and Hedera helix (Davies, 2000). Refer to Appendix 3. The wood lies on permeable, acidic sandy soils with low available water reserves and moderately sloping ground. The parent material consists of glaciofluvial sands and gravels (Eldridge, 1980).
The area is presently managed by the Norwich County Council. Current silviculture activities include a thinning programme, replanting of native species, removal of alien tree and shrub species if invasive, glade ride creation and coppicing to promote woodland edge habitats. The above are all prescribed to create an uneven-aged tree structure (Davies, 2000).
The data collection for the
distributional survey of Hedera helix, was carried out by the author and
assistant Andrew Kythreotis from the 2nd of August to 3rd
of September, 2002. The survey involved collecting data from 200 randomly
sampled trees. For each tree sample, that was equal to or > 10 cm in
diameter, the circumference breast height (CBH) was measured using a 30m tape
Distance from the edge of the wood
(m) was then calculated using a tape measure where conditions permitted or by
calculating the distance off a map. Each tree was identified to species level.
The texture of the bark on each tree was then assessed by eye as being smooth
or rough. Next, Hedera helix was assessed as being present or absent on
the tree trunk. If the tree was infested, the percentage cover on the
trunk (calculated as a percentage of the whole trunk) was estimated. The growth
phase of the liana trunk cover was then assessed as being of the juvenile or
mature phase. This was achieved by distinguishing between the two leaf forms.
Where both existed on the same tree, rough measurements of the heights of
different growth phases on the trunk were calculated. Finally, the stems of H.
helix were counted at the base of the trunk and the diameters at ground
level were calculated using a vernier calliper.
Liana sampling methods must take into
account the fact that lianas are not restricted to growing vertically (Putz,
1984). Therefore, ground cover characteristics of Hedera helix under the
sample tree were assessed. Firstly, the percentage of the ground covered by H.
helix surrounding the host tree was assessed using 1 x 1m quadrats. Each
grid square with H. helix present
within the quadrat corresponded to one percent. Therefore, the number of grid
squares were counted and a percentage calculated. Following this, the growth
form of the ground cover was recorded.
Finally, a spherical densiometer was
used to calculate the forest overstorey density (percentage canopy cover). This
was conducted by holding the instrument in front of the body at elbow height.
Subsequently, the quarter-square canopy openings in the grid were counted. This
was repeated over four readings around the tree, facing north, east, south and
west. Once the readings were completed, the total numbers of each were
multiplied by 1.04 to obtain percentage not occupied by the canopy. The mean of
all four readings was then calculated to arrive at the measurement.
The main problem encountered with the surveying was correct identification of various tree species in Drayton Wood. When looking at the amount of lianas on the host tree samples, the stems were counted without assuming they were individual vines. It was not possible to distinguish whether individual vines were sexually produced individuals (genets) or genetically identical (ramets).
Due to the
management activities in the area, the structure of the wood is not as it would
be if left to develop naturally. This in turn affected the outcomes of the
results. Furthermore, many of the statistical analyses showed that some results
were not significant. This may partly be attributed to the number of trees
surveyed, as a larger sample may have produced a different result. However,
towards the end of the surveying period,
a fire incident in Drayton Wood, prematurely ended data collection.
Hedera helix is a major feature of Drayton wood and is fairly abundant. Of the 200 trees sampled, 120 (60%) hosted H. helix consisting of 1584 separate vine stems. On 37 trees (18.5%), the mature reproductive phase of H. helix predominated. This usually occurred at least 1m above ground level. On 83 trees (41.5%) the juvenile non-reproductive phase of H. helix predominated. However, both juvenile and mature phases coincided on tree samples in many instances. 115 trees (57.5%) were found to have H. helix ground cover at their base. The largest vine in the study area measured 155mm in diameter and resided in the upper canopy of a Quercus robur tree at 145cm CBH.
Four factors were used to examine host preference using both juvenile
and mature vines; present or absent levels, the total numbers of stems per tree
species, the total cross-sectional area of the vine per tree species and the
percentage of the host trunk covered by H.
helix (Table 1).
TABLE 1: Sample tree species and Hedera
helix occupation measurements of hosts, Drayton Wood,
Hedera helix |
Tree Species |
Nos. of Trees |
No. Present |
No. Absent |
Stem Abundance |
Total Cross-sectional Area (cm2) |
Mean Percentage Trunk Cover |
Acer pseudoplatanus |
83 |
46 |
37 |
372 |
80.87 |
15.2 |
Pinus sylvestris |
58 |
39 |
19 |
782 |
626.16 |
13.0 |
Quercus robur |
32 |
19 |
13 |
306 |
594.54 |
28.7 |
Crataegus monogyna |
10 |
8 |
2 |
70 |
209.20 |
31.2 |
Betula pendula |
6 |
4 |
2 |
25 |
4.12 |
60.5 |
Sorbus aucuparia |
2 |
1 |
1 |
18 |
505.34 |
NA |
hippocastanum |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1.04 |
NA |
Corylus avellana |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
NA |
Fraxinus excelsior |
4 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
NA |
NB. Dead trees are not included in
When studying the numbers of trees per species with ivy being present or absent, no significant difference was found between observed and expected frequencies (Chi-square =8.71; df =4; P =0.10). Hence, the vines appear to randomly select a host during the juvenile ground-growing phase. However, it appears that once a tree is colonised, Hedera helix is distributed among tree species in proportion to their relative stem abundance (Chi-square =409.9; df =5; P <0.01; Table 1). Further scrutiny revealed the differences between the species (Table 2). Q. robur (20.29%) and P. sylvestris (69.61%) supported more H. helix stems than expected, whereas A. pseudoplatanus (-43%), C. mongyna (-11..94%), B. Pendula (-47.58%) and those grouped as others (S. aucuparia, A. hippocatanum, F. excelsior, C. avellana) supported less (-73.45%).
Again, there was a significant result when examining the distribution of H. helix over tree species in proportion to the total cross-sectional area of the vine (cm2) (Chi-Square =2950.53; df =5; P <0.01; Table 1). When examined in detail, the results show that P. sylvestris (5.75%), Q. robur (82%) and C. monogyna (104.94%) had a higher abundance than expected, relative to the total cross-sectional area of the vine. On the other hand, A. pseudoplatanus (-90.46%) and B. pendula (-93.27%) supported less than expected (Table 2).
Tree Species |
Stem Abundance |
% difference |
Total Cross-sectional Area (cm2) |
% difference |
Acer pseudoplatanus |
Observed Expected Residual |
372 659.81 -287.81 |
-43 |
Observed Expected Residual |
80.87 847.3 -766.43 |
-90.46 |
Pinus sylvestris |
Observed Expected Residual |
782 461.07 320.93 |
69.61 |
Observed Expected Residual |
626.16 592.09 34.07 |
5.75 |
Quercus robur |
Observed Expected Residual |
306 254.38 51.62 |
20.29 |
Observed Expected Residual |
594.54 326.67 267.87 |
82 |
Crataegus monogyna |
Observed Expected Residual |
70 79.49 -9.49 |
-11.94 |
Observed Expected Residual |
209.2 102.08 107.12 |
104.94 |
Betula pendula |
Observed Expected Residual |
25 47.69 -22.69 |
-47.58 |
Observed Expected Residual |
4.12 61.25 -57.13 |
-93.27 |
Sorbus aucuparia Aesculucs
hippocatanum Fraxinus excelsior Corylus avellana |
Observed Expected Residual |
19 71.55 -52.55 |
-73.45 |
Observed Expected Residual |
506.38 91.88 414.5 |
451.13 |
TABLE 2: Distribution of Hedera
helix among tree species with respect to total numbers of stems per tree
species and total cross-sectional area of vine per tree species, Drayton Wood,
Studies of the mean percentage trunk cover between the most abundant
tree species also showed significant differences (Kruskall-Wallis: Chi-square
=23.415; df =7; P =0.001). Mann-Whitney
tests revealed that the significant differences lay between A. pseudoplatanus and C. monogyna, with A. pseudoplatanus having a significantly lesser mean percent of H. helix trunk cover than C. monogyna (Mann-Whitney: Z =-4.074; N
=93; P <0.001). Similar results
also arise between B. pendula and C. monogyna (Mann-Whitney: Z =-2.182; N
=16; P =0.031).
When studying juvenile and mature vines separately (on the most
abundant tree species), there were significant differences in the distributions
of the two (Chi-Square =53.70; df =2; P
<0.01). A. pseudoplatanus hosted
more juveniles and less adults than expected by chance, whereas Q. robur and P. sylvestris hosted less juveniles and more adults than expected
by chance.
findings do not support the hypothesis that those trees with larger CBH (cm),
are more likely to support Hedera helix
than those with a smaller CBH (t =0.451; df =198; P =0.652). However, when
examining the number of H. helix stems
against the CBH (cm) of the trees, a significant positive correlation was
produced (R2 =0.09; N =200; P <0.001; Figure 1)
FIGURE 1: Significant positive correlation between CBH (cm) of trees
supporting Hedera helix and the
number of H. helix stems residing on
them, Drayton Wood,
The percentage of the host trunk covered by Hedera helix also showed a significant positive correlation with tree CBH (cm) (R2 = 0.042; N = 200; P = 0.003; Figure 2).
FIGURE 2: Significant
positive correlation between CBH (cm) of trees supporting Hedera helix and the percentage trunk cover of H. helix, Drayton Wood,
examination of Hedera helix cover of
the host trunk illustrated large differences in the percentage frequencies when
broken down into intervals (Figure
3). Figure 3 displays a high frequency of low percentage trunk cover and a
moderate frequency of high percentage readings of trunk cover.
FIGURE 3: Frequency distribution of percentage
trunk cover (10% intervals) in relation to CBH (cm), Drayton Wood,
When considering cross-sectional area of Hedera helix vines and tree CBH (cm), independently of species (Figure 4), significant differences were evident. (Mean cross-sectional area of H. helix ± 1SE; 10-34 cm CBH: 0.14 ±0.09; 35-59cm CBH: 1.89 ±0.99;
FIGURE 4: Mean
cross-sectional area of Hedera helix
against tree CBH (cm) ±1SE, Drayton Wood,
60-84cm CBH: 1.73 ±0.57; 85-109cm CBH: 4.84 ±3.51; 110-134cm CBH: 15.04 ±7.11; 135-159cm CBH: 50.76 ±30.62; 160-184cm CBH: 21.63 ±9.31; 185-209cm CBH: 11.26 ±7.77; 210-234 cm CBH: 7.74 ±4.77; 235-259cm CBH: 16.46 ±10.5; 260-284cm CBH: 0.16 ±0.1. Kruskall-Wallis: Chi-Square =32.04; df =10; P <0.001). Further investigations revealed that the differences lay between the CBH interval of 135-159cm and the first three CBH intervals; 10-34cm, 35-59cm and 60-84cm (Mann-Whitney: Z =-4.11; N =38; P <0.001, Mann-Whitney: Z =-3.57; N =66; P <0.001, Mann-Whitney: Z =-2.38; N =54; P =0.01 respectively).
There was no
significant correlation between percentage ground cover of Hedera helix and tree CBH (cm) (R2 =0.009; N =200; P
tree CBH was divided into classes, (with adult and juvenile Hedera helix vines considered together)
it was found that the vines were not distributed independently of tree CBH
(Table 3). When investigating stem abundance against tree abundance within each
CBH class, significant results were obtained (Chi-Square =481.91; df =7; P
<0.1). The results consistently showed that all tree CBH classes <100cm
had a lesser stem abundance than expected by chance (10-39.9cm = -69.10%;
40-69.9cm = -21.51%; 70-99.9 = -26.55%), whereas all those tree CBH classes
>100cm had a higher than expected stem abundance (100-129.9 = 8.18%;
130-159.9 = 49.34%; 160-189.9 = 62.82%; 190 219.9 = 171.5%; 220+ = 72.19%; Table
Tree CBH (cm) |
No. of Trees |
Stem Abundance |
10-39.9 |
34 |
70 |
40-69.9 |
52 |
320 |
7099.9 |
29 |
167 |
100129.9 |
27 |
229 |
130159.9 |
24 |
281 |
160-189.9 |
17 |
217 |
190219.9 |
7 |
149 |
220+ |
10 |
135 |
TABLE 3: Tree CBH (cm) classes,
number of trees and abundance of Hedera
helix, Drayton Wood,
TABLE 4: Stem abundance
of Hedera helix among tree CBH
classes with respect to tree abundance, Drayton Wood,
Tree CBH (cm) |
Stem Abundance |
% difference |
10-39.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
70 226.56 -156.56 |
-69.10 |
40-69.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
320 407.68 -87.68 |
-21.51 |
7099.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
167 227.36 60.36 |
-26.55 |
100129.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
229 211.68 17.32 |
8.18 |
130159.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
281 188.16 92.84 |
49.34 |
160189.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
217 133.28 83.72 |
62.82 |
190219.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
149 54.88 94.12 |
171.5 |
220+ |
Observed Expected Residual |
135 78.4 56.6 |
72.19 |
In general, it
was found that there is a higher abundance of Hedera helix on rough barked trees than smooth barked trees
(Mann-Whitney: Z =-2.04; N =200; P
=0.041; Figure 5a).
FIGURE 5: (a) Mean
percentages of present/absent levels of Hedera
helix on smooth and rough barked trees
(b) Mean proportion of Hedera
helix trunk cover occupying smoothbarked (light-coloured) and rough-barked
(dark-coloured) tree species ±1SE, Drayton Wood, Norwich.
Closer examination between tree species also supports the above
statement (Figure 5b). The graph displays the mean percentage of trunk cover by
Hedera helix for those tree species
supporting a higher abundance of the vine.
There are obvious differences between those tree species grouped as
rough and those grouped as smooth. Mean percentage of H. helix trunk cover ±1SE: Smooth-barked = A. pseudoplatanus: 15.18% ±0.03; B. pendula: 13.33% ±0.11.
Rough-barked = C. monogyna: 63%
±13.59; S. aucuparia: 50% ±0.50; P. sylvestris: 31.90% ±0.06; Q. robur: 29.69% ±0.07; A. hippocastanum: 45% ±0.45
(Kruskall-Wallis: Chi-square =23.415; df =7; P =0.001). Although A. pseudoplatanus had the highest number
of trees colonised by Hedera helix,
it had a much smaller percent trunk cover as compared with the rough-barked
species. Mann-Whitney tests revealed that the significant differences lay
between A. pseudoplatanus and C. monogyna, A. pseudoplatanus had a significantly lesser mean percent of H. helix trunk cover than C. monogyna (Mann-Whitney: Z =-4.074; N
=93; P <0.001). Similar results
also arise between B. pendula and C. monogyna (Mann-Whitney: Z =-2.182; N
=16; P =0.031).
When examining trees occupied by Hedera helix according to CBH classes and independently of species (Figure 6a), it was found that there was no significant difference observed between groups (Kruskall-Wallis: Chi-square =1.083; df =3; P =0.781).
(6a) (6b)
FIGURE 6: (a) Mean
percentage of trees supporting Hedera
helix ±1SE (b) Mean percentage of smooth (light-coloured) and rough-barked
(dark-coloured) trees supporting Hedera
helix ±1SE, Drayton Wood,
when studying the percentage of trees supporting Hedera helix among CBH classes, a significant difference was
observed between those trees with rough bark and those with smooth bark
(Chi-square =73.36; df =3; P <0.1).
Chi-squared test was carried out on the numbers of trees not percentages.
Further investigations showed that in the 10-39.9cm and 40-69.9cm CBH classes,
smooth-barked trees had more trees colonised than expected (107.61%, 49.32%),
whereas rough-barked trees had a smaller number of colonised trees than
expected (-79.54%, -36.45%). In the 70-99.9cm CBH class, smooth-barked trees
had only a slightly higher number of colonised trees than expected by chance
(13.54%) and rough-barked trees had slightly less colonised trees than expected
(-10.07%). However, in the 100 +cm CBH class, smooth-barked trees had
significantly less colonised trees than expected by chance (-77.86%), with
rough-barked trees having significantly more than expected (57.53%). Refer to
Table 5.
Table 5: Numbers of
colonised rough and smooth-barked trees, Drayton Wood,
Tree CBH (cm) |
No. of Colonised Smooth-Barked trees |
% difference |
No. of Colonised Rough-Barked trees |
% difference |
10-39.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
30 14.45 15.55 |
107.61 |
Observed Expected Residual |
4 19.55 -15.55 |
-79.54 |
40-69.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
33 22.1 10.9 |
49.32 |
Observed Expected Residual |
19 29.9 -10.9 |
-36.45 |
7099.9 |
Observed Expected Residual |
14 12.33 1.67 |
13.54 |
Observed Expected Residual |
15 16.68 -1.68 |
-10.07 |
100+ |
Observed Expected Residual |
8 36.13 -28.13 |
-77.86 |
Observed Expected Residual |
77 48.88 28.12 |
57.53 |
3.5 Hedera helix GROUND COVER
Figure 7 demonstrates the higher percentage of Hedera helix ground cover under trees supporting H. helix, as opposed to those trees not
supporting H. helix. Analyses show
that this difference is significant (Mann-Whitney: Z =-10.023; N =200; P <0.001).
Furthermore, all ground cover under tree samples were found to be juvenile.
FIGURE 7: Mean percentage of ground cover under those trees not
supporting ivy (light coloured) and those supporting ivy (dark coloured) ±1SE,
Drayton Wood, Norwich.
Figure 8a
shows the wide variation of Hedera helix
ground cover between those abundant tree species not hosting the vine. The
differences between the means are not significant (Kruskall-Wallis: Chi-Square
=3.69; df =4; P =0.45).
FIGURE 8: Mean
percentage of H. helix ground cover
under (a) Trees not hosting H. helix ±1SE
and (b) those trees hosting H. helix ±1SE.,
Drayton Wood,
There were no
significant differences in the mean percentage ground cover under those more
abundant tree species supporting Hedera
helix (one-way ANOVA F = 1.109; P =
0.356; Figure 8b). However, a paired t-test revealed that there was a
significant difference in mean percentage ground cover between those trees
hosting H. helix and with those trees
not hosting H. helix (t =-3.85; df =4; P =0.018).
Looking at ground cover of Hedera helix under tree CBH (cm) classes irrespective of species, for those trees not supporting H. helix, no significant difference was found between the size classes (ANOVA: F =0.340; P =0.933; Figure 9a). Mean percentage ground cover under colonised trees does reveal significant differences (Kruskall-Wallis: Chi-square =17.16; df =7; P =0.016; Figure 9b). Further inspection reveals that significant differences lay between CBH classes 40-69.9cm and 220+cm (Mann-Whitney: Z =-2.782; N =40; P =0.004). Paired t-tests once again reveal that there are significant differences in the mean percentage ground cover between those trees with colonised H. helix and those without (t = -8.003; df =7; P <0.001).
FIGURE 9: Mean percentage Hedera
helix ground cover under tree CBH classes (a) trees without ivy (b) trees with ivy ±1SE, Drayton Wood,
A positive significant correlation was found between percentage of Hedera helix ground cover and distance from the edge in metres (R2 =0.036; N =200; P =0.007). Looking at ground cover under those trees not supporting ivy separately, there were no significant differences (one-way ANOVA: F=0.398 P=0.673; Figure 10a). Again when studying H. helix ground cover with distance from edge below trees supporting H. helix, there was no significant difference between the means (one-way ANOVA F =1.538; P =0.208; Figure 10b).
(a) (b)
FIGURE 10: Mean percentage Hedera
helix ground cover with distance from edge (a) trees supporting Hedera helix (b) trees not supporting Hedera helix ±1SE, Drayton Wood,
A paired t-test again revealed significant differences in the mean
percent Hedera. helix ground cover at
distance intervals when comparing all those trees not supporting H. helix and all those trees supporting H. helix. A significantly higher mean
percentage of H. helix ground cover
was observed under trees supporting ivy, than those trees not supporting Hedera helix (t =-8.524; df =3; P =0.003).
Figure 11 shows the distance from the edge divided into intervals of 40m and the mean percentage of ground cover for each. Investigations looking at the number of colonised trees, displayed that there was no significant difference with distance from the edge (Chi-square =2.96; df =3; P =0.50).
FIGURE 11: Mean
percentage of tree colonised with Hedera
helix in relation to distance from the edge (m) ±1SE, Drayton Wood,
Results reveal that there is a
significant positive correlation of distance from the edge (m) and the
percentage trunk cover of Hedera helix (R2
=0.077; N =200; P <0.001; Figure 11).
FIGURE 12: Positive
correlation between distance from edge (m) and percentages of H. helix trunk cover, Drayton Wood,
Investigations of mean percent Hedera helix trunk cover and distance intervals from the edge resulted in a significant difference (Kruskall-Wallis: Chi-square =23.204; df =3; P <0.001; Figure 13). Further examination revealed a significantly higher mean percent ivy trunk cover when considering intervals 81~120m and 121~160m against the first distance interval 1~40m (Mann-Whitney: Z=-3.644; N=149; P<0.001), (Mann-Whitney Z = -3.747; N=134; P<0.001). The distance interval 41~80m was found to have a higher mean percent trunk cover than interval 81~120m and a significantly smaller mean percentage than interval 121~160m (Mann-Whitney: Z = -2.030; N=66; P=0.042, Mann-Whitney; Z =-2.4; N =51; P =0.016).
FIGURE 13: Mean percentage H.
helix trunk cover with
distance from edge (m) ±1SE, Drayton Wood,
The effect of light does
not significantly affect the distribution of Hedera helix ground cover (R2 =0.017; N =200; P =0.063).
Even when just examining areas where H.
helix ground cover was present (and excluding those sample spots without H. helix), there was no significant
correlation between the two (R2 =0.007; N =200; P =0.369).
Results revealed that there was no significant correlation between canopy cover and trunk cover (R2 =0.002, N =200 P =0.576). When excluding those sample spots with no Hedera helix ground cover reached (even when just examining areas where H. helix ground cover was present and excluding those sample spots without H. helix), no significant correlation was found (R2 =0 .012; N =200; P =0.224).
Results reveal that Hedera helix does not display host preference at the present/absent level on host trees. This suggests that during the juvenile ground growing phase, H. helix is not selective of available support (trees) and randomly targets potential hosts. However, once climbing, other factors determine the success of the vine development (i.e. vine abundance). Therefore, H. helix is at its greatest abundance and most likely to reach reproductive maturity if the conditions of the host tree favour it. Occupation measurements demonstrate that the amount of H. helix on a host is not distributed equally between species. H. helix is distributed non-randomly among tree species in proportion to relative vine stem abundance, total cross-sectional area of the vine and percentage of the host trunk covered by the vine. Quercus robur, Crataegus monogyna and Pinus sylvestris species are found to have a significantly higher abundance of H. helix than Acer pseudoplatanus and Betula pendula in general over the three occupation measurements.
studies have found that lianas are found growing more abundantly on some tree
species than others. Kernott (2002), found that the abundance of Hedera helix was significantly different
between tree species in Monte Palanzana forest, central
juvenile and mature vines were not distributed equally. Acer
pseudoplatanus hosted more juveniles and less adults than expected whereas Quercus robur and Pinus sylvestris hosted less juveniles and more mature vines than
expected. As mentioned earlier, this could be due to the random host targeting
of H. helix ground cover. Quercus robur and Pinus sylvestris must possess important characteristics that ensure
the development and abundance of reproductively mature H. helix upon them.
So what
explains this apparent non-random distribution among tree species? Lianas are
dependent on trees for mechanical support and are generally detrimental to
their hosts (Clark et al, 1990; Okerman, 2001; Stevens, 1987; Teramura et
al, 1991). They affect trees in several ways; (1) reducing stem diameter growth rates of
their hosts, (2) mechanical abrasion, (3) passive strangulation, (4) increasing
host susceptibility to ice and wind damage, (5) increasing the probability of
the host tree falling (Putz, 1984), (6) competing with the host trees for
light, nutrients and water (Putz, 1980), (7) increasing tree mortality rates by
weighing down tree crowns and increasing mechanical strain (torque) on the stem
and roots, (8) increasing the size of trees pulled down when liana-laden trees
fall and (9) slowing rates of tree sapling height growth in treefall gaps
through the combined effects of shading and mechanical damage (Chittibabu et al, 2001; Putz, 1984). According to
Schnitzer et al (2002), lianas decrease the growth, fecundity and
survivorship of trees even at low abundances.
Therefore, it
is to a trees advantage to avoid or shed lianas (Hegerty, 1991; Putz 1980). It may
be assumed that trees have evolved defence mechanisms to prevent infestation of
lianas (Balfour et al, 1993). This
will obviously affect the distribution and abundance of H. helix.
There are several factors along with host defence that could affect the distribution and abundance of H. helix, these include, bark texture, host size, the availability of ground cover, location in relation to the edge of the wood and the influence of light (these will be discussed later). Not accounted for in this study, were factors such as altitudinal gradient, level of base nutrients, nitrogen concentration in the soils, aspect, trellis availability and effects of disturbance. These have all been shown to have a significant effect on climber abundance and distribution (Balfour et al, 1993). However, the distribution of climbers is more likely to be influenced by biotic factors such as host architecture, rather than by climatic or soil factors (Balfour et al, 1993).
In this study, vines were not distributed independently of host size. The number of Hedera helix stems and the percentage of host trunk covered by H. helix were significantly positively correlated with host size. A detailed study of percentage trunk cover reveals that there is a higher frequency of tree cover in the lower percentages and higher percentages. This may suggest that once trees are colonised, H. helix will grow rapidly, covering the trunk. According to Putz (1980), Clark et al (1990) and Campbell et al (1993), once a tree has been breached by one liana, others often follow as the first lianas provide a trellis that increases the trees accessibility for other lianas.
Mean cross-sectional area of the vine, assumes a near normal
distribution where it peaks at CBH classes 135159cm. This may be explained by
the following. Firstly, those trees with smaller CBH generally have a smaller
surface area than larger CBH trees and tend to be fast-growing pioneer species.
This is not ideal for Hedera helix growth
as fast-growing trees have, on average, a better chance of avoiding lianas than
slow-growing trees (Putz, 1980). Larger CBH trees may have a smaller
cross-sectional area of vine as there is a larger surface area for H. helix to colonise, before reaching
the canopy and therefore appears as a smaller cross-sectional area. Those trees
with a CBH that falls in the middle are between the two extremes with a
dampening of effects and therefore a higher cross-sectional area of the vine.
This is supported by findings of Chittibabu et
al (2001) when studying diversity and host relationships in a tropical
evergreen forest in the Indian Eastern Ghats. They found that lianas frequently
infested trees of the 120-150cm CBH.
When divided
into size classes, and looking at stem abundance against tree abundance, those
trees <100cm CBH had a lesser stem abundance than expected by chance, and
all those >100cm CBH had a higher stem abundance than expected. Other
studies also support the distribution of lianas according to host size. Clark et al (1990) found that liana loads were
positively correlated with tree diameter (La Selva Biological Station,
When considering the abundance of lianas according to host size, it is important to note the climbing mechanisms employed by the liana. Hedera helix, like other adventitious root-climbers, is unique in its climbing mechanisms. Stem twiners and vines with modified leaves and tendrils are restricted to climbing small-medium diameter hosts usually <10cm (Teramura et al, 1991). However, vines that climb with roots and tendrils with adhesive disks can climb trees regardless of their diameter (Putz, 1984; Talley et al, 1996), though are most effective at ascending trunks of large trees (Teramura et al, 1991). During this study, it was found that H. helix can colonise a range of different sized hosts both plant and non-plant (personal observation, 2002). Therefore, H. helix is a robust plant adaptable to a variety of conditions.
Hedera helix exhibits host preference for those
trees with rough-textured bark than smooth-textured bark. When looking at a
species level, this was also the case, where smooth-barked species A. pseudoplatanus and B. pendula had a lower mean percentage
trunk cover than their rough-barked species counterparts. Although A. pseudoplatanus had the highest number
of trees colonised by H. helix, it
had a low mean percentage of trunk occupied by H. helix. Why this difference? Adventitious-root-climbing vines,
like H. helix require a stable
surface for root attachment to the sides of the host tree. Rough-barked trees
provide crevices and cavities in which H.
helix may more firmly attach, compared to smooth-barked trees. Furthermore,
rough-bark trees may trap a good deal of moisture in the crevices which can be
exploited by the adventitious roots of H.
This relationship is widely acknowledged
in the scientific literature. Putz (1984) found that trees with rough (but not
flakey) bark appear more easily climbed than smooth-barked trees by twining
lianas (
Studies of mean percentages
of trees with ivy show that in smaller CBH classes it is the smooth-barked
trees that support the majority of H.
helix (usually juvenile). Whereas in the higher CBH classes (>100cm CBH)
it is the rough-barked trees (usually mature vines). As mentioned previously,
this can be explained by the random selection of host trees during the
juvenile, ground-growing phase of H.
helix. Those trees that fall in the
smaller CBH classes are often fast-growing pioneer trees that will easily shed
the vines. They are also usually smoother and contain less moisture and
nutrients than larger trees (Talley et
al, 1996). Therefore, on these trees, the conditions for H. helix development are far from ideal
and the chance of reaching reproductive maturity is slim. Therefore, on these
CBH classes, usually more juvenile than adult vines are found. The inverse is
true of the larger CBH classes where
a high mean percentage of rough-barked trees support H. helix allowing the vine to reach maturity. Talley et al (1996) also suggests that besides having more surface area available for
colonisation, larger trees are longer lived, exposing a surface area for
longer. This appears to suggest that H.
helix displays host preference for large, rough-barked host trees as these
conditions provide a well-developed tall trellis, stable root attachment
opportunities (Kernott, 2002) and an additional water source.
4.4 Hedera
trees were closely associated with
higher levels of ground cover at their base (almost eighteen times as much) as
those that werent. It is important to note that during the juvenile ground-growing phase, H. helix can form dense, thick mats of cover. Perhaps, once a
certain threshold is crossed, trees in the area have a significant chance of
becoming colonised by H. helix
(Kernott, 2002). However, tree size and tree
species do not appear to play a role in the amount of ground cover at the base.
This reinforces the idea of random host targeting of H. helix during its juvenile ground-growing phase.
considering distance from edge, a significantly higher mean percentage of ivy
ground cover was found under trees supporting ivy, than those trees not
supporting ivy (with increasing distance from the edge). As mentioned previously, tendril climbers,
twiners and scramblers are restricted to small diameter hosts/trellises like
shrubs and small-diameter trees. These are usually associated with high
irradiant environments such as forest edges or gap edges. Therefore, it can be
assumed that there is a high level of competition at forest edges. H. helix like other root-climbers is not
restricted by host size. Therefore the vine can exploit a wide range of
habitats including those within the dark understorey of late-successional
forests, with limited trellis structures (Teramura et al, 1991). Competition with lianas in this area is limited
allowing H. helix to thrive. Significant differences were also present
when considering those trees with ivy and those without against host size and
tree species. This reiterates the idea that in fact the major role in the
amount of ground cover at the base of a tree is dependent on whether or not the
tree already hosts ivy.
Results once
again show that the mean percent of trees colonised showed no significant
difference (with distance from edge). This is due to the non-random host
selection of H. helix during its
juvenile ground-growing phase. However, Hedera
helix trunk cover shows positive correlation with increasing distance from
edge. This is also evident when distance is divided up into size classes. The
inverse relationship is true of many lianas. Gap and forest edges are most
likely to fulfil the trellis and light requirements of lianas (Putz, 1984).
During studies of
Canopy cover
does not seem to directly affect the distribution of either Hedera helix ground cover or trunk
cover. Most lianas are suited to high
irradiance edge/gap environments. However H.
helix is suited to different light environments and therefore, light does
not seem to significantly affect the distribution of H. helix. Vine species such as H.
helix do well within heterogenous light environments and display a high
degree of physiological plasticity to such type conditions (Castellanos, 1991).
An example is the process of diomorphism/heteroblasty with the production of
two physiologically distinct leaf types. This effectively extends the
capability of H. helix to acclimate
to the wide seasonal range of irradiances found in temperate forest
understories (Teramura et al, 1991).
Canopy cover is a measure of vertical irradiance and not accounted for in this study was the effect of horizontal irradiance. This may play a larger role than vertical irradiance in temperate woodlands. It has already been found that there is a higher abundance of H. helix with distance from the edge of the wood. This relationship may also be due to available light. H. helix may prefer those areas in the interior with low irradiance as opposed to edge areas with high irradiance. However, during the period of this study H. helix was found to occur under many different light regimes.
This study was
conducted during summer months when there was low irradiance in the
understorey. However, during winter months, prior to foliage production by
overstorey species, the light available to understorey plants, including
evergreen lianas, is greatly enhanced (Teramura et al, 1991). Perhaps a more pronounced relationship between
abundance of H. helix and light would
be obvious during winter months.
lack of influence of light on the distribution of H. helix is conducive to a study by Balfour et al (1993), which found
that the distribution of climbers is more likely to be influenced by biotic
factors such as host architecture, rather than by climatic or soil factors.
study has shown that Hedera helix does
exhibit host preference. During the juvenile ground-growing phase, H. helix randomly targets potential
hosts. However, once a tree is colonised, other factors will determine the
abundance, distribution and development of H.
helix upon the tree host. Results
have shown that tree species Quercus robur, Crataegus mongyna and Pinus sylvestris had a significantly
higher abundance of H. helix than
tree species Acer pseudoplatanus and Betula pendula. Therefore, these tree
species must have characteristics that ensure development and abundance of
reproductively mature H. helix upon
them, or otherwise those characteristics that inhibit colonisation and growth.
It was found that H. helix develops and grows most successfully on large,
rough-barked hosts. These two factors ensure a well-developed tall trellis for
climbing, stable root attachment opportunities and an additional water source
for the roots. H. helix was found to
be less successful on small, smooth-barked hosts as these trees tend to be
fast-growing and have a better chance of shedding lianas, furthermore, the
height of these trees is not significant for H. helix development and the bark does not allow for stable root
H. helix trunk cover and ground cover
was found to be more abundant with increasing distance from the edge. Most
lianas are suited to the high irradiance environments of gap and forest edges.
Therefore, it can be assumed that there is a high level of competition in these
sites. However, due to the climbing mechanism of H. helix and its adaptability to different irradiance levels, it can thrive in the dark interior of
forests where limited trellis structures are available. The lack of competition
in the interior also ensures the success of the vine.
There also appears to be a threshold level
when considering ground cover of H.
helix. When this is exceeded trees in the area have a significant chance of
becoming colonised by H. helix.
Finally the abiotic
factor of light did not seen to directly affect the distribution or abundance
of ground cover or trunk covered by H.
helix. This is attributed to the adaptability of H. helix to different light environments. Furthermore, it has been
proven that the distribution of climbers is in fact influenced by biotic
factors such as host architecture, rather than by climatic factors.
Although these factors limiting the abundance
and development of H. helix appear to
be consequential, many studies have shown that trees may in fact have evolved
defence mechanisms to avoid or shed lianas. Lianas are generally detrimental to
a host and those tree species with less than expected H. helix may have actually evolved defence mechanisms to hinder the
growth of H. helix.
from this dissertation looking at factors influencing host preference can be
used in other environments where H. helix
is posing a major threat to native forest communities. Currently there are two
control methods used in the
However, this
dissertation just scratches the surface with respect to the factors influencing
Hedera helix distribution, abundance
and development. Other factors in the literature that significantly affect the
distribution of lianas include: defence mechanisms of trees. For example
phytotoxic allellochemical interactions (Talley et al, 1996), buttressing, rapid diameter growth, symbionts and trees
with large compound leaves that regularly drop branches (Putz, 1980). As well
as this, studies have been conducted on the effect of aspect (Kernott, 2002),
altitudinal gradient, bole heights of host trees (Balfour et al, 1993), light, water and nitrogen (Dillenburg et al, 1993).
important point to take away is that it is often not only one factor
influencing the distribution, abundance and success of lianas but rather
several factors in combination.
BALFOUR, D.A. and BOND, W.J. (1993). Factors Limiting Climber
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McC., (1993), Ecological Relationships between Lianas and Trees in Lowland
Rain Forest in Sabah, East Malaysia, Journal of Tropical Ecology, 9,
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In: Putz, F.E. and Mooney, H.A (eds.), The
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N., (2001), Liana Diversity and Host Relationships in a
CLARK, D.B. and CLARK, D.A., (1990), Distribution and Effects on Tree Growth of Lianas and Woody Hemiepiphytes in a Costa Rican Tropical Wet Forest, Journal of Tropical Ecology, 6, pp 321-331.
DAVIES M., (June, 2000),
TERAMURA, A.H. and FORSETH, I.N., (1993), Effects of Vine Competition on
Availability of Light, Water and Nitrogen to a Tree Host (Liquidambar styraciflua), American
Journal of Botany, 80, pp
ELDRIDGE, J.B., (1980), Soil
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distribution and evolution of climbing plants. In: Putz, F.E. and
Mooney, H.A. (eds.), The Biology of Vines.
HUNT, R. (1988)., Comparative Plant Ecology: a Functional Approach to Common
British Species, Unwin Hyman,
HEGARTY, E., (1991), Vine-host
interactions In: Putz, F.E. and
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KERNOTT, D., (2002), Factors
Influencing Host Preference of Hedera helix (Araliaceae) in a
KEY, H.,(1999), Ivies, The New Plant Library, Lorenz Books,
(1991), Heteroblastic development in vines. In: Putz, F.E. and
Mooney, H.A. (eds). The Biology of vines.
PUTZ, F.E. (1980). Liana vs.
Trees, Biotropica,12, pp 224-225.
PUTZ, F.E., (1984), The
Natural History of Lianas on
PUTZ, F.E. and CHAI, P., (1987), Ecological
Studies of Lianas in Lambir National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia, Journal of
Ecology, 75, pp 523-531.
STEVENS, G.C., (1987), Lianas
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68, pp 77-81.
SETZER, W.N. and JACKES, B.R., (1996), Host Associations of Two
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GOLD, W.G. and FORSETH, A.N. (1991),
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TOMAN J. and FELIX J., (1990), A
Field Guide in Colour to Plants and Animals, Silverdale Books,
Juvenile non-reproductive growth
Botanical features of Hedera
Source: www.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/gallery.htm
Climbing mechanics of Hedera helix
Source: TERAMURA, A.H., GOLD, W.G. and
FORSETH, A.N. (1991). Physiological Ecology of Mesic, Temperate Woody Vines. In:
Putz, F.E. and Mooney, H.A. (eds). The Biology of Vines.
Species Ground Flora Tilia x vulgaris Urtica
dioica Sambucus nigra Hedera
helix Crataegus mongyna Pteridium
aquilinum Ilex aquigolium Lamiastrum
galeobdolon spp. argentatum Euonymus europaeus Arum
maculatum Ulex eropaeus Geum
urbanum Malus sylvestris Moehringia
trinervia Teucrium
scorodonia Silene
dioica Iris
foetidissima Adoxa
moschatellina Listera
ovata Agrostis
Some of the tree, shrubs and ground flora species found in the Drayton
Wood Study Area.