Paul Hippolitus to speak during Disability Awareness in Employment Month

BLACKSBURG, Va., Oct. 19, 2004 – Paul Hippolitus, director of programs for the Office of Disability Employment Policy in the U.S. Department of Labor, will talk about "Employing People with Disabilities" at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 26, in the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center auditorium. October is Disability Awareness in Employment Month.

Virginia J. Reilly, Virginia Tech's ADA coordinator, said that Virginia Tech "is fortunate to have Hippolitus visit the campus. Paul Hippolitus is one of the highest ranking federal officials dealing with disabilities in this country. He oversees numerous disability programs such as High School/High Tech and the Workforce Recruitment program. This is a rare opportunity to learn how we can broaden our diversity efforts and extend access to our students and employees."

Hippolitus will discuss the impact and importance of hiring people with disabilities and recruiting employees and students with disabilities. A 30-minute question and answer session will follow.

The speaker will be introduced by Bill Staderman, a Virginia Tech alumnus and Navy acquisitions intern in the Human Systems Integration group with the Naval Surface Warfare Center.

For additional information or if you are a person with a disability who will need an accommodation to participate in the event, contact Jerri Fylpa at 231-4638 (V), 231-7227 (TTY), or

The event is sponsored by Virginia Tech's Americans with Disabilities Act Office, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and Personnel Services.