Virginia Tech's Cook Counseling Center receives international counseling accreditation

BLACKSBURG, Va., Nov. 1, 2010 – Virginia Tech's Thomas E. Cook Counseling Center has been accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services Inc., an organization of United States, Canadian, and Australian counseling agencies based in Alexandria, Va.

The Cook Counseling Center was evaluated against high standards of counseling practice and was found to offer competent and reliable professional services to its clientele. Approval is also dependent upon evidence of continuing professional development as well as demonstration of excellence of counseling performance.

“I was particularly gratified by the letter which announced the accreditation, for it commended the 'vital contribution to the quality of student and campus life' made by the Cook Counseling Center, and it complimented the director and the staff for their reliability and dedication,” said Richard Ferraro, assistant vice president for student affairs.

The Cook Counseling Center is directed by Christopher Flynn, licensed clinical psychologist, and offers individual, group, and couples counseling to students at Virginia Tech. The counseling center serves all full-time undergraduate and graduate students who have paid the health fee.

The International Association of Counseling Services was established in 1972 to encourage and aid counseling agencies to meet high professional standards through peer evaluation and to inform the public about counseling services that are competent and reliable.

The Division of Student Affairs at Virginia Tech encompasses departments dedicated to providing a rich co-curricular experience and essential student services. Virtually every aspect of a student's life outside the classroom is represented through the division's departments.