Poor stream health imperils fish

Portrait of Donald J. Orth

Donald J. Orth

BLACKSBURG, Va., Dec. 10, 2010 – “Of the 675 fish species found in southeastern waters, more than 25 percent are considered imperiled,” Donald J. Orth, the Thomas H. Jones Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences in Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment, told the audience of scientists during his keynote address at the Southeastern Fishes Council annual meeting this fall in Athens, Ga. The theme of the meeting was “Got Water? At the Crossroads of Fish Conservation and Water Supply.”

Orth’s talk, “Mud, Sweat, and Jeers: The Science and Policy of Instream Flows,” reviewed both historical events and progress in the development of policies to protect instream flows — the water flow in a stream and an indicator of the stream’s ecological health — in the United States, particularly in the Southeast.

“The southeastern United States is one of the fastest growing regions in the country, and the human population continues to expand at a rapid pace,” Orth pointed out. “In some states, the population has more than doubled in the past 50 years.”

“There is a direct relationship between land and water use and the imperilment of fishes,” he noted. “It is clear that the conservation of our diverse fish fauna and other aquatic resources faces huge challenges ahead as demands grow to impound streams, divert stream flow, and pump groundwater.”

Of all animal species on the federal endangered and threatened species list, 46 percent are found in freshwater habitats. The highest number of species at risk occurs in the southeastern United States.

“While all of the North American ecosystems are in trouble, freshwater habitats are recognized to be at severe risk because of their scarcity and the high demands placed on them by humans,” Orth added.

“As various government entities begin to look for future water supply for cities, agriculture, and industry, it is critical to conservation that the habitat needs of fishes and other aquatic biota are taken into consideration,” he concluded.

Recent scientific advances in fish conservation were highlighted on Orth’s talk, as well as motivation and advice for engaging with state and local leaders in the water supply planning process.

The Southeastern Fishes Council is a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to the study and conservation of freshwater and coastal fishes of the southeastern United States. The southeastern region includes the greatest global biodiversity of temperate freshwater fish species, and has well over half of all species found in North America.

The College of Natural Resources and Environment at Virginia Tech, which consistently ranks among the top three programs of its kind in the nation, advances the science of sustainability. Programs prepare the future generation of leaders to address the complex natural resources issues facing the planet. World-class faculty lead transformational research that complements the student learning experience and impacts citizens and communities across the globe on sustainability issues, especially as they pertain to water, climate, fisheries, wildlife, forestry, sustainable biomaterials, ecosystems, and geography. Virginia Tech, the most comprehensive university in Virginia, is dedicated to quality, innovation, and results to the commonwealth, the nation, and the world.