Virginia Tech hosts two international researchers through Fulbright Scholar Program

BLACKSBURG, Va., Oct. 12, 2004 – Virginia Tech is hosting two international scholars during the 2004-05 academic year through the Fulbright Visiting Scholars Program.

They are:

Antun Husinec, senior research assistant, Institute of Geology, Zagreb, Croatia. While at Virginia Tech, Husinec's research will focus on "Global Climate Change during Tithonian(150 MA) to Cenomanian (94 MA): Adriatic Carbonate Platform's Response."

Alia Bano Munshi, scientific officer, Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Karachi Pakistan. While at Virginia Tech, Munshi's research will focus on "Pesticidal Residues and PcBc in Fishery and Agricultural Products."

These two visiting scholars are among the approximately 800 foreign faculty and professionals the Fulbright Scholars Program will bring to the United States this year to teach and conduct research. Recipients of Fulbright awards are selected on the basis of academic or professional achievement and because they have demonstrated extraordinary leadership potential in their fields.

Established in 1946, the Fulbright program is America's flagship international education exchange activity and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. Since the program was established, thousands of U.S. faculty and professionals have studied, taught, or conducted research abroad, and thousands of their counterparts from other countries have engaged n similar activities in the United States.

Founded in 1872 as a land-grant college, Virginia Tech has grown to become among the largest universities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Today, Virginia Tech's eight colleges are dedicated to putting knowledge to work through teaching, research, and outreach activities and to fulfilling its vision to be among the top research universities in the nation. At its 2,600-acre main campus located in Blacksburg and other campus centers in Northern Virginia, Southwest Virginia, Hampton Roads, Richmond, and Roanoke, Virginia Tech enrolls more than 28,000 full- and part-time undergraduate and graduate students from all 50 states and more than 100 countries in 180 academic degree programs.