Fred Crittenden named Friend of Virginia Cooperative Extension

Crittenden (second from left) is presented with the 2008 State Friend of Extension award from Epsilon Sigma Phi. Celebrating the recognition are Mark McCann (far left), director of Virginia Cooperative Extension; David Moore (center), Extension agent, agriculture and natural resources; Cynthia Rowles (second from right), Extension agent, Virginia 4-H; and Paige Hogge (far right), unit administrative assistant.

Crittenden (second from left) is presented with the 2008 State Friend of Extension award from Epsilon Sigma Phi. Celebrating the recognition are Mark McCann (far left), director of Virginia Cooperative Extension; David Moore (center), Extension agent, agriculture and natural resources; Cynthia Rowles (second from right), Extension agent, Virginia 4-H; and Paige Hogge (far right), unit administrative assistant.

BLACKSBURG, Va., May 30, 2008 – Fred S. Crittenden of Hardyville, Va., has received the 2008 State Friend of Extension award for his more than 30 years of support of Virginia Cooperative Extension programs at the local and state level.

The award was presented during the annual awards ceremony of the Alpha Gamma chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi, the Extension honorary organization, held in Richmond on May 27 as part of the Virginia Extension Service Association annual meeting.

Crittenden has supported Extension programs in his roles as parent, volunteer leader, farmer, and businessman. Additionally, as a member of the Board of Supervisors of Middlesex County, he has been an advocate for funding for Extension positions within the county. Recently, he was instrumental in securing funding for the first horticulture agent in the region. He has also supported funding for the Jamestown 4-H Educational Center.

“Fred is passionate about serving the people of Middlesex County and is focused on providing quality Extension programs to Middlesex citizens,” said David Moore, an Extension agriculture and natural resources agent and unit coordinator of the Middlesex office. “He has high expectations of Extension, and he couples that with strong support of what we do.”

Engaged in many facets of his community, Crittenden served two terms on the Middlesex County School Board and has been an active member of his church, the Ruritans, and the local Masonic Lodge.

“He has always been a strong supporter of our local and state 4-H livestock programs,” said Cynthia Rowles, a 4-H youth development agent in Middlesex County. “He has provided show animals to 4-H’ers, shared educational tips on showmanship, supported the sale of animals, and often served as a judge.”

Crittenden was recognized as the Middlesex County Friend of Extension in 2007.