Requirements: 1. Install Macaulay2 ( 2. Download Boost Library 1.55.0 ( NOTE: If you want to use a different version of the Boost Library, you will have to edit the file NetReductionBoost/Makefile accordingly (Step 3 in Compiling) 3. Download 4. Have gcc, g++, perl, bash Compiling: 1. Unzip 2. Move the Boost Library folder to the BNReduction folder 3. Make sure the contents of the file NetReductionBoost/Makefile and your version of the Boost Library match (only necessary if using a different version of Boost Library). 4. Go to BNReduction 5. make clean 6. make install 7. ./ (this is used to check that everything is working) Usage: ./ inputfile The file with steady states will be generated into inputfile.fp (if it has no lines, that means there are no fixed points) NOTE: The input file must be a file where each line has a Boolean function for each variable. E.g., the following is a Boolean network in 4 variables: x1 & x2 0 !x2 | x4 1 The variables must range from x1 to xn. The folder Examples has some examples of Boolean networks in the necessary format.