Venture Outdoors Program offered on management options for timberland

Natural resource professionals discuss cost-share programs available to landowners.

Natural resource professionals discuss cost-share programs available to landowners.

BLACKSBURG, Va., March 19, 2010 – Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program in Virginia Tech's College of Natural Resources are offering the Spring Venture Outdoors Program, a one-day short course to provide landowners with management options for their timberland.

Timber is one of the important resources that forests provide, and when conducted properly, timber harvesting can promote healthy, vigorous forests and offer a source of income for landowners.

The course will be offered in both Campbell and Halifax counties in April. Topics covered include what landowners should know about thinning a stand of timber for the benefits of stand health, profit, wildlife, and overall satisfaction. Participants will see insect pests that are wreaking havoc on today’s forest stands in Virginia and learn more about the Biomass Crop Assistance Program and other landowner cost-share programs.

Professionals and experienced landowners will act as mentors for the students and help with any questions. Presenters from the Virginia Department of Forestry, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Services, and Virginia Cooperative Extension will assist attendees with land management objectives from timber thinning to wildlife management.

The course is being offered at two locations:

Registration fees are $10 per person and $15 per household, which includes insurance, supplies, and lunch. Pre-registration is required at least one week in advance of the course date.