Research office opens first art show

Ben Capozzi

BLACKSBURG, Va., Jan. 21, 2005 – Six members of the Student Art and Design Association are showing their works in the Office of the Vice President for Research at Virginia Tech this winter. The works will be on display until March 4.

The Student Art and Design Association has student members from different disciplines, said Jess Lum, association president and a fine arts senior from Winchester, Va. The organization is dedicated to the exhibition of student and community art and the professional development of students in the visual arts, Lum said. "We show our works at XYZ Gallery of Blacksburg," she said. "This is an offsite exhibition."

The show is the first such event in the research administration offices. "The creative works of students and faculty members are an important component of scholarly productivity," said Brad Fenwick, vice president for research. "I plan to continue to use this space to display examples of the artistic endeavors of our community to visitors to this office."

The artists whose works are being shown are:

Ben Capozzi, of Christiansburg, Va., who graduated in December with a bachelor's degree in fine arts, frequently frames his works with discarded windows. "Windows often frame our view of the world," he said. The pieces he has on display are called "Identity" and "Consumption."

Russell Clark, of Virginia Beach, a senior majoring in fine arts, works in many different media. For this exhibit he has provided two, large, reflective works, somewhat three-dimensional, in shades of gray.

David R. Coxson, of Washington, D.C., a graduate student in architecture, works in charcoal and oil. His large works focus on "displaying the human figure in an existentialist manner."

Lee Everett, of Smithfield, Va., a senior majoring in fine arts, is experimenting with paint applications. To create the images for this show, he injects oil paint directly into raw canvas using hypodermic needles. He said each work "has numerous interdisciplinary associations to such fields as chemistry, biology, and psychology."

Will Holman, of Towson, Md., a senior majoring in architecture, has on display a collection of layered portraits. The small works begin with Polaroid photo. Holman then creates a reverse left-to-right color copy transparency and separates the two images with Plexiglas in order to create "a holographic symmetry."

Justin Nissley, of Lancaster, Pa., a senior majoring in fine arts, is interested in how text is used in art. He uses different solvents and chemicals to transfer ink from a surface, such as a magazine or photocopy, to a new surface to create a visual "story."

The Office of the Vice President for Research is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

The Student Art and Design Association is a student organization dedicated to the promotion of the arts at Virginia Tech, exhibition of student artwork, and the professional development of students working in the arts. It encourages and assists art students in building their exhibition records in order to enhance their resumes both as aspiring graduate students and professionals. In order to broaden its involvement with the university and Blacksburg, the association reaches out to artists from other disciplines and the local community to participate in exhibits.