For those who are unfamiliar with source code. This file will provide a very brief description of the information you need to know to be able to look through the files contained in these examples. The actual source files entail all files ending in .h, .cpp, and .c. All other files, for example the project and solutions files, are extra and do not need to be looked at. Anyone using these applications will never actually look at these other files. They are all there to make using the examples easier. None of the files in these examples are copyrighted. All source files are nothing more then glorified text files. Each can be viewed with your favorite text editor, Notepad for example. If Word or some other editor with automatic spelling and formatting checking is used then there will be a lot of red and green marks. This is because there are a lot of special programming terms and names which are not in the English language; also code is not formatted like a normal document.