Virginia Water Center, Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science launch joint water seminar series this Friday

BLACKSBURG, Va., March 25, 2009 – Virginia Tech's Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science and the Virginia Water Resources Research Center are co-sponsoring an upcoming water seminar series. This series will explore sustainable water solutions, among other topics, and run from March 27 to April 27.

“We are very excited about the opportunity to present this unique series of water seminars,” stated Stephen Schoenholtz, director of the Virginia Water Resources Research Center at Virginia Tech, “The [Virginia Water Resources Research Center] and [Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science] are both committed to promoting the importance of water resources for a sustainable future. As part of this effort, we are pleased to co-sponsor with ICTAS a new water resources seminar series, which is bringing a variety of leading water experts to the [Virginia Tech] campus.”

Schoenholtz continued to comment on the many faculty and graduate students that are conducting cutting-edge water-related research at Virginia Tech and that this series, “provides a great opportunity to bring our community of water experts together at these events."

Information for this special water seminar series is available at the seminar website.

Dates, topics, and speaker details are as follows: