METADATA This document revised: 12/01/2014 *** NOTE *** This dataset contains information ONLY for the bats captured during this study AND that were part of the maternity colony defined as all female and juvenile bats connected by coincident roost use. INCLUDED FILES: 1. Bats.csv 2. Movement_data.csv 3. Roosts.csv 4. Species_codes.csv FILE DESCRIPTION: 1. Bats.csv Bat Condition data. All bats are female. Variable description: Bat: Identifier unique to individual bat. Note some band numbers repeat for bats captured in multiple years. Group: Colony membership for a given bat, as determined from coincident roost use. Repro: Reproduction of the bat when captured. Year: Year of capture. 2. Movement_data.csv Bat roost use information. Specifically, roost used by a tracked bat on a given day. Variable description: Date: Date of roost use by individual bat. Format is day-monty-2 digit year. Bat:Identifier unique to individual bat. Note some band numbers repeat for bats captured in multiple years. Roost: Roost identity. 3. Roosts.csv Location and measured characteristics of roosts. Variable description: Roost: Roost identity. X: Roost X cordinate (UTM zone 17 N). Y: Roost Y cordinate (UTM zone 17 N). Species: Roost species code. Code is the combined first 2 letters of the genus and species name. Codes with common and scientific names are given in Species_codes.csv. Height: Roost height in meters. dbh: Roost diameter at breast height in centimeters. PercentBark: Visual estimate of the percent bark remaining on roost. Decay: Roost decay stage. Position: Roost canopy position. S = suppressed I = intermediate CO = co-dominant D = dominant CanopyOpenness: Percent of sky not obscured by vegetation when viewed from base of roost. Value is averaged over 4 readings (north, east, south, west). Year: Year roost was first used/located. 4. Species_codes.csv Key to roost species codes. Variable description: Code: 4 letter code for roost species identity. Name: Common (Genus species) name corresponding to code.