Professor and former National Science Foundation official to discuss future of research and development

BLACKSBURG, Va., March 17, 2009 – William and Mary business professor and former National Science Foundation official Mariann Jelinek will give a talk, "The Future of R and D," on Friday, March 20, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Pamplin 1045.

Her presentation is part of the Department of Management’s research series and is free and open to the public.

Jelinek is the Richard C. Kraemer Professor of Business at The College of William and Mary. From 1999 to 2001, she served as director of the innovation and organizational change program at the National Science Foundation. She says her career interests include innovation, technology, and their strategic implications; organization learning; and administrative systems and organization design — topics on which she has written extensively.

Her current work centers on intellectual property dynamics between industries and universities, a project supported by a National Science Foundation grant. Her other current research interests include entrepreneurship, management of technology and innovation, and the impact of social and institutional contexts on innovation. Jelinek has doctorates from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Business and the University of California at Berkeley.

For additional information, please contact Steve Gove, assistant professor of management, at (540) 231-4553.