Assignment Title: Create a Professional Profile Course: GRAD 5124 - Research Skills for Graduate Students Health Sciences Section Target Audience: Graduate students at a college or research university Last Updated: 2019 License for Reuse: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), Suggested Attribution Statement: “Create a Professional Profile.” 2019 Course Assignment. Reused / adapted from an openly licensed (Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0, document created for the GRAD 5124 - Library Research Skills course, University Libraries, Virginia Tech. In Supplementary Materials for "Sustaining Graduate Information Literacy Instruction: A Case Study of Best Practices" Book Chapter. Assignment Description and Implementation Notes: This assignment has been used in the general Grad 5124 course shell and continues as part of the Health Sciences section. It is part of Week 1 where students are engaged in thinking about their professional and scholarly identity. It is implemented as an ‘Assignment’ (in the Canvas learning management system) and makes use of the ‘Peer Reviews’ feature in Canvas where peer reviews can be required and automatically assigned by the Canvas system (see screenshot image showing this feature below). The instructor also provides the grade and additional feedback. This assignment asks students to apply what they’ve learned in the module to create a sample professional profile. [See assignment text on page 2.] Assignment Title: Create a Professional Profile Assignment Text: In "1.3.1 Professional Identity - 3+ Things to Prepare" we discussed some key items to prepare for developing your online professional identity: A consistent Username, Photo, and Bio that you can use across profiles. Additional useful items include keywords or phrases for your research interests, professional goals, and work highlights. Instructions: Use the elements listed below to put together a draft professional profile in a word document and upload the file to this assignment. After everyone has submitted their assignment, complete 1 peer review of another student's work. See detailed instructions for each assignment portion (profile document, peer review) below. * Example professional profile document - Microsoft Word version [link to example profile document] / PDF version [link to example profile document] Part 1 of 2: Your Profile Document - Components to Include: By [assignment due date / time]: Assignment Option 1 - Create a Professional Profile Document that you can refer to in the future if/when creating profiles online. Include: 1. Full Name and Username 2. Photo 3. Bio (2-3 versions): Twitter length, Paragraph length 4. Keywords for your Research Interests / Areas of Focus: List 3-5 keywords or phrases that capture your top research interests or areas of focus. (You may not always have the option to include a full bio. Sometimes you may be asked, instead, or in addition, to list or select from topics for Research Interests, Focus Areas, or Expertise. It doesn't hurt to consider these ahead of time and maintain consistency across platforms with these as well. 5. Bonus (optional) - Your Work: Do you have a presentation or project file that you would like to consider sharing openly? Describe it here. If it's available online, link to it. Assignment Option 2 - Do you already have a professional online profile, or is there a platform (ORCID, LinkedIn, institutional ePortfolio) that you would like to get started on by creating a profile? If so, create and post a document with the name of the profile system, a link to your publicly available profile, and a brief description (short paragraph - 2-5 sentences) of your experience using this profile system so far. Part 2 of 2: Peer Review of 1 of your fellow students By [deadline at least 1 week following submission deadline for Part 1], provide a peer review including the following: a. Two or more comments about what you found interesting or engaging about their profile document or online profile page information. b. One or two thoughtful suggestions to make their profile document or online profile page even better. [See the next page for one of the example profiles provided to students.] EXAMPLE Professional Profile – Week 1 Assignment – GRAD 5124 Virginia Pannabecker, submitted February 1, 2019 A. Full Name, Username, Contact Method (email) Full Name: Virginia Pannabecker, Username: VPannabecker, Email: B. Photo C. Bio Twitter (@VPannabecker) (max is: 160 characters – this example is 156 characters): Director, Research Collaboration and Engagement; Health & Life Sciences Librarian; curious about everything, nature, family & mystery loving geek. Paragraph length (max depends on the platform – this example is 172 words): As Director, Research Collaboration and Engagement at Virginia Tech, University Libraries I lead a department focused on providing services to assist the VT community in exploring and adopting tools for collaborative projects; conducting evidence synthesis projects; increasing the visibility of their work; and for discovering the impact of and engagement with their creative, teaching, research, and other projects. I consult with and provide training for students, staff and faculty on: research project planning; information sources; literature search strategies and tools; systematic reviews / meta-analyses projects; and open research practices. I also collaborate with instructors to provide course sessions. I purchase materials for health and life sciences research, study, and teaching. As a liaison librarian I work closely with Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering and Science departments; and with the Divisions of Neuroscience and Systems Biology, Academy of Integrated Science. In my work and research I explore issues and emerging technologies for successful Health and Life Science Research Methods, Evidence Synthesis, and Open Research Practices, including Open Access, Open Education, Open Data, and Research Impact. My papers and presentations are archived in Virginia Tech’s institutional repository, VTechWorks and in the Arizona State University ASU Digital Repository. See my research profiles on ORCID, ResearchGate, or Google Scholar. D. Research Interests Open Research Practices Evidence Synthesis Health Sciences Research Methods Health Information Sources Life Sciences Information Sources E. Work Highlights Swanberg, S. M., Dennison, C. C., Farrell, A., Machel, V., Marton, C., O'Brien, K. K., Pannabecker, V., Thuna, M., & Holyoke, A. N. (2016). Instructional methods used by health sciences librarians to teach evidence-based practice (EBP): a systematic review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 104(3), 197. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.104.3.004. Archived in VTechWorks institutional repository: Pannabecker, V., Walz, A., Sebek, R., Fralin, S., & Gilbertson, K. “Is It a Fair use? Celebrating Fair Use Week to Promote Critical Thinking about Copyrights,” Lighting talk presented at Mosaic 2016, an international joint meeting of the Medical Library Association, Canadian Health Libraries Association, and the International Clinical Librarian Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 13-18, 2016. Archived in VTechWorks: Presentation: / Event Toolkit: