University promotes cyclist, motorist safety with Yield to Life

BLACKSBURG, Va., Oct. 23, 2009 – The Virginia Tech community may have noticed the increase in bike racks on campus and on public transportation, the addition of bike lanes on campus roadways and the implementation of the university’s bicycle policy.

The numerous initiatives revolving around the cycling community has increased interest in cycling and ultimately increased the numbers of those using bicycles as a form of transportation on campus. While many view this positively, there are some growing tensions and concerns as the numbers of cyclists increase on our roadways and sidewalks.

In order to address some of the concerns of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians alike, Virginia Tech has partnered with Yield to Life, a non-profit organization founded by world-class cyclist David Zabriskie.

His personal experiences include being hit by cars no less than four times, the last of which nearly ended his career. Zabriskie says he is passionate about the mission of his nonprofit organization -- to create a safer and more harmonious environment between cyclists and motorists through education programs, awareness campaigns and sensitivity training.

Yield to Life aims to replace tensions between motorists with mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation for each other’s rights to the road. In this manner, Yield to Life works to create a safer environment for cyclists and encourage people to ride for their own health and well-being, as well as for the benefit of their community and the betterment of the planet.

“Yield to Life has a strong safety message centered on respect and individual responsibility,” said Debby Freed, Alternative Transportation manager at Virginia Tech, “Their messages compliment ours and help to reinforce safety as the cycling community grows on campus.”

The Yield to Life campaign will include advertising with Blacksburg Transit, handouts, and posters with messages and situations that directly relate to transportation conditions on Virginia Tech’s campus.