Browsing by Author "Appel, S."
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- Characterization of the spontaneous light emission of the PMTs used in the Double Chooz experimentAbe, Y.; Abrahao, T.; Almazan, H.; Alt, C.; Appel, S.; Baussan, E.; Bekman, I.; Bergevin, M.; Bezerra, T. J. C.; Bezrukhov, Leonid B.; Blucher, E.; Brugiere, T.; Buck, C.; Busenitz, J.; Cabrera, A.; Calvo, E.; Camilleri, Leslie; Carr, Rachel E.; Cerrada, M.; Chauveau, E.; Chimenti, P.; Collin, A. P.; Conover, E.; Conrad, Janet M.; Crespo-Anadon, J. I.; Crum, K.; Cucoanes, A. S.; Damon, E.; Dawson, J. V.; de Kerret, H.; Dhooghe, J.; Dietrich, D.; Djurcic, Zelimir; dos Anjos, J. C.; Dracos, M.; Etenko, A.; Fallot, M.; Felde, J.; Fernandes, S. M.; Fischer, V.; Franco, D.; Franke, M.; Furuta, H.; Gil-Botella, I.; Giot, L.; Goger-Neff, M.; Gomez, H.; Gonzalez, L. F. G.; Goodenough, L.; Goodman, M. C.; Haag, N.; Hara, T.; Haser, J.; Hellwig, D.; Hofmann, M.; Horton-Smith, Glenn A.; Hourlier, A.; Ishitsuka, M.; Jiménez, S.; Jochum, J.; Jollet, C.; Kaether, F.; Kalousis, L. N.; Kamyshkov, Y.; Kaneda, M.; Kaplan, D. M.; Kawasaki, T.; Kemp, E.; Kryn, D.; Kuze, M.; Lachenmaier, Tobias; Lane, C. E.; Lasserre, T.; Letourneau, A.; Lhuillier, D.; Lima, H. P.; Lindner, M.; Lopez-Castano, J. M.; LoSecco, J. M.; Lubsandorzhiev, B. K.; Lucht, S.; Maeda, J.; Mariani, Camillo; Maricic, Jelena; Martino, J.; Matsubara, T.; Mention, G.; Meregaglia, A.; Miletic, T.; Milincic, R.; Minotti, A.; Nagasaka, Y.; Navas-Nicolás, D.; Novella, P.; Nunokawa, H.; Oberauer, L.; Obolensky, M.; Onillon, A.; Osborn, A.; Palomares, C.; Pepe, I. M.; Perasso, S.; Porta, A.; Pronost, G.; Reichenbacher, J.; Reinhold, B.; Roehling, M.; Roncin, R.; Rybolt, B.; Sakamoto, Y.; Santorelli, R.; Schilithz, A. C.; Schoenert, S.; Schoppmann, S.; Shaevitz, Marjorie Hansen; Sharankova, R.; Shrestha, D.; Sibille, V.; Sinev, V.; Skorokhvatov, Mikhail D.; Smith, E.; Soiron, M.; Spitz, Joshua; Stahl, A.; Stancu, Ion; Stokes, Lee F. F.; Strait, M.; Suekane, F.; Sukhotin, S.; Sumiyoshi, T.; Sun, Y.; Svoboda, R.; Terao, K.; Tonazzo, A.; Thi, H. H. T.; Valdiviesso, G. A.; Vassilopoulos, N.; Verdugo, A.; Veyssiere, C.; Vivier, M.; von Feilitzsch, F.; Wagner, S.; Walsh, N.; Watanabe, H.; Wiebusch, C.; Wurm, M.; Yang, G.; Yermia, F.; Zimmer, V. (IOP, 2016-08-01)
- Constraints on flavor-diagonal non-standard neutrino interactions from Borexino Phase-IIAgarwalla, S. K.; Agostini, Matteo; Altenmueller, Konrad; Appel, S.; Atroshchenko, Victor; Bagdasarian, Zara; Basilico, D.; Bellini, G.; Benziger, Jay; Bick, D.; Bonfini, G.; Bravo, D.; Caccianiga, B.; Calaprice, F.; Caminata, A.; Cappelli, L.; Cavalcante, P.; Cavanna, F.; Chepurnov, A.; Choi, K.; D'Angelo, D.; Davini, S.; Derbin, A. V.; Di Giacinto, A.; Di Marcello, V.; Ding, X. F.; Di Ludovico, Antonio; Di Noto, Lea; Drachnev, I.; Fomenko, K.; Formozov, A.; Franco, D.; Gabriele, Federico; Galbiati, C.; Gschwender, M.; Ghiano, C.; Giammarchi, Marco; Goretti, A.; Gromov, M.; Guffanti, D.; Hagner, C.; Hungerford, Ed V.; Ianni, Aldo; Ianni, Andrea; Jany, A.; Jeschke, D.; Kumaran, S.; Kobychev, V.; Korga, G.; Lachenmaier, Tobias; Laubenstein, Matthias; Litvinovich, E.; Lombardi, Paolo; Ludhova, L.; Lukyanchenko, G.; Lukyanchenko, L.; Machulin, I. N.; Manuzio; Marcocci, S.; Maricic, Jelena; Martyn, J.; Meroni, E.; Meyer, M.; Miramonti, L.; Misiaszek, M.; Muratova, V. N.; Neumair, B.; Nieslony, M.; Oberauer, L.; Orekhov, V.; Ortica, F.; Pallavicini, M.; Papp, L.; Penek, O.; Pietrofaccia, L.; Pilipenko, N.; Pocar, A.; Raikov, G.; Ranucci, G.; Razeto, A.; Re, A.; Redchuk, M.; Romani, A.; Rossi, Nicola; Rottenanger, Sebastian; Schoenert, S.; Semenov, D. A.; Skorokhvatov, Mikhail D.; Smirnov, O. Y.; Sotnikov, A.; Sun, C.; Suvorov, Yura; Takeuchi, Tatsu; Tartaglia, R.; Testera, G.; Thurn, J.; Unzhakov, E. V.; Vishneva, A.; Vogelaar, R. Bruce; von Feilitzsch, F.; Wojcik, M. M.; Wurm, M.; Zaimidoroga, O.; Zavatarelli, S.; Zuber, Kai; Zuzel, G. (2020-02-05)The Borexino detector measures solar neutrino fluxes via neutrino-electron elastic scattering. Observed spectra are determined by the solar-nu(e) survival probability P-ee(E), and the chiral couplings of the neutrino and electron. Some theories of physics beyond the Standard Model postulate the existence of Non-Standard Interactions (NSI's) which modify the chiral couplings and P-ee(E). In this paper, we search for such NSI's, in particular, flavor-diagonal neutral current interactions that modify the nu(e)e and nu(tau)e couplings using Borexino Phase II data. Standard Solar Model predictions of the solar neutrino fluxes for both high- and low-metallicity assumptions are considered. No indication of new physics is found at the level of sensitivity of the detector and constraints on the parameters of the NSI's are placed. In addition, with the same dataset the value of sin(2)theta(W) is obtained with a precision comparable to that achieved in reactor antineutrino experiments .
- The Double Chooz antineutrino detectorsde Kerret, H.; Abe, Y.; Aberle, C.; Abrahão, T.; Ahijado, J. M.; Akiri, T.; Alarcón, J. M.; Alba, J.; Almazan, H.; dos Anjos, J. C.; Appel, S.; Ardellier, F.; Barabanov, I.; Barriere, J. C.; Baussan, E.; Baxter, A.; Bekman, I.; Bergevin, M.; Bernstein, A.; Bertoli, W.; Bezerra, T. J. C.; Bezrukov, L.; Blanco, C.; Bleurvacq, N.; Blucher, E.; Bonet, H.; Bongrand, M.; Bowden, N. S.; Brugière, T.; Buck, C.; Avanzini, M. B.; Busenitz, J.; Cabrera, A.; Caden, E.; Calvo, E.; Camilleri, L.; Carr, R.; Cazaux, S.; Cela, J. M.; Cerrada, M.; Chang, P. J.; Charon, P.; Chauveau, E.; Chimenti, P.; Classen, T.; Collin, A. P.; Conover, E.; Conrad, J. M.; Cormon, S.; Corpace, O.; Courty, B.; Crespo-Anadón, J. I.; Cribier, M.; Crum, K.; Cuadrado, S.; Cucoanes, A.; D’Agostino, M.; Damon, E.; Dawson, J. V.; Dazeley, S.; Dierckxsens, M.; Dietrich, D.; Djurcic, Z.; Dorigo, F.; Dracos, M.; Durand, V.; Efremeko, Y.; Elnimr, M.; Etenko, A.; Falk, E.; Fallot, M.; Fechner, M.; Felde, J.; Fernandes, S. M.; Fernández-Bedoya, C.; Francia, D.; Franco, D.; Fischer, V.; Franke, A. J.; Franke, M.; Furuta, H.; Garcia, F.; Garcia, J.; Gil-Botella, I.; Giot, L.; Givaudan, A.; Göger-Neff, M.; Gomez, H.; Gonzalez, L. F. G.; Goodenough, L.; Goodman, M. C.; Goon, J.; Gramlich, B.; Greiner, D.; Guertin, A.; Guillon, B.; Habib, S. M.; Haddad, Y.; Hara, T.; Hartmann, F. X.; Hartnell, J.; Haser, J.; Hatzikoutelis, A.; Hellwig, D.; Hervé, S.; Hofacker, R.; Horton-Smith, G.; Hourlier, A.; Ishitsuka, M.; Jänner, K.; Jiménez, S.; Jochum, J.; Jollet, C.; Kaether, F.; Kale, K.; Kalousis, L.; Kamyshkov, Y.; Kaneda, M.; Kaplan, D. M.; Karakac, M.; Kawasaki, T.; Kemp, E.; Kibe, Y.; Kirchner, T.; Konno, T.; Kryn, D.; Kutter, T.; Kuze, M.; Lachenmaier, T.; Lane, C. E.; Langbrandtner, C.; Lasserre, T.; Lastoria, C.; Latron, L.; Leonardo, C.; Letourneau, A.; Lhuillier, D.; Lima, H. P.; Lindner, M.; López-Castaño, J. M.; LoSecco, J. M.; Lubsandorzhiev, B.; Lucht, S.; Maeda, J.; Maesano, C. N.; Mariani, Camillo; Maricic, J.; Marie, F.; Martinez, J. J.; Martino, J.; Matsubara, T.; McKee, D.; Meigner, F.; Mention, G.; Meregaglia, A.; Meyer, J. P.; Miletic, T.; Milincic, R.; Millot, J. F.; Minotti, A.; Mirones, V.; Miyata, H.; Mueller, Th. A.; Nagasaka, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Navas-Nicolás, D.; Nikitenko, Y.; Novella, P.; Oberauer, L.; Obolensky, M.; Onillon, A.; Oralbaev, A.; Ostrovskiy, I.; Palomares, C.; Peeters, S. J. M.; Pepe, I. M.; Perasso, S.; Perrin, P.; Pfahler, P.; Porta, A.; Pronost, G.; Puras, J. C.; Quéval, R.; Ramirez, J. L.; Reichenbacher, J.; Reinhold, B.; Reissfelder, M.; Remoto, A.; Reyna, D.; Rodriguez, I.; Röhling, M.; Roncin, R.; Rudolf, N.; Rybolt, B.; Sakamoto, Y.; Santorelli, R.; Sato, F.; Schwan, U.; Schönert, S.; Schoppmann, S.; Scola, L.; Settimo, M.; Shaevitz, M. A.; Sharankova, R.; Sibille, V.; Sida, J.-L.; Sinev, V.; Shrestha, D.; Skorokhvatov, M.; Soldin, P.; Spitz, J.; Stahl, A.; Stancu, I.; Starzynski, P.; Stock, M. R.; Stokes, L. F. F.; Strait, M.; Stüken, A.; Suekane, F.; Sukhotin, S.; Sumiyoshi, T.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Svoboda, R.; Tabata, H.; Tamura, N.; Terao, K.; Tonazzo, A.; Toral, F.; Toups, M.; Thi, H. T.; Valdivia, F.; Valdiviesso, G.; Vassilopoulos, N.; Verdugo, A.; Veyssiere, C.; Viaud, B.; Vignaud, D.; Vivier, M.; Wagner, S.; Wiebusch, C.; White, B.; Winslow, L.; Worcester, M.; Wurm, M.; Wurtz, J.; Yang, G.; Yáñez, J.; Yermia, F.; Zbiri, K. (2022-09-08)This article describes the setup and performance of the near and far detectors in the Double Chooz experiment. The electron antineutrinos of the Chooz nuclear power plant were measured in two identically designed detectors with different average baselines of about 400 m and 1050 m from the two reactor cores. Over many years of data taking the neutrino signals were extracted from interactions in the detectors with the goal of measuring a fundamental parameter in the context of neutrino oscillation, the mixing angle θ13. The central part of the Double Chooz detectors was a main detector comprising four cylindrical volumes filled with organic liquids. From the inside towards the outside there were volumes containing gadolinium-loaded scintillator, gadolinium-free scintillator, a buffer oil and, optically separated, another liquid scintillator acting as veto system. Above this main detector an additional outer veto system using plastic scintillator strips was installed. The technologies developed in Double Chooz were inspiration for several other antineutrino detectors in the field. The detector design allowed implementation of efficient background rejection techniques including use of pulse shape information provided by the data acquisition system. The Double Chooz detectors featured remarkable stability, in particular for the detected photons, as well as high radiopurity of the detector components.
- Measurement of theta(13) in Double Chooz using neutron captures on hydrogen with novel background rejection techniquesAbe, Y.; Appel, S.; Abrahao, T.; Almazan, H.; Alt, C.; dos Anjos, J. C.; Barriere, J. C.; Baussan, E.; Bekman, I.; Bergevin, M.; Bezerra, T. J. C.; Bezrukhov, Leonid B.; Blucher, E.; Brugiere, T.; Buck, C.; Busenitz, J.; Cabrera, A.; Camilleri, Leslie; Carr, Rachel E.; Cerrada, M.; Chauveau, E.; Chimenti, P.; Collin, A. P.; Conrad, Janet M.; Crespo-Anadon, J. I.; Crum, K.; Cucoanes, A. S.; Damon, E.; Dawson, J. V.; Dhooghe, J.; Dietrich, D.; Djurcic, Zelimir; Dracos, M.; Etenko, A.; Fallot, M.; von Feilitzsch, F.; Felde, J.; Fernandes, S. M.; Fischer, V.; Franco, D.; Franke, M.; Furuta, H.; Gil-Botella, I.; Giot, L.; Goger-Neff, M.; Gomez, H.; Gonzalez, L. F. G.; Goodenough, L.; Goodman, M. C.; Haag, N.; Hara, T.; Haser, J.; Hellwig, D.; Hofmann, M.; Horton-Smith, Glenn A.; Hourlier, A.; Ishitsuka, M.; Jochum, J.; Jollet, C.; Kaether, F.; Kalousis, L. N.; Kamyshkov, Y.; Kaneda, M.; Kaplan, D. M.; Kawasaki, T.; Kemp, E.; de Kerret, H.; Kryn, D.; Kuze, M.; Lachenmaier, Tobias; Lane, C. E.; Lasserre, T.; Letourneau, A.; Lhuillier, D.; Lima, H. P.; Lindner, M.; Lopez-Castano, J. M.; LoSecco, J. M.; Lubsandorzhiev, B. K.; Lucht, S.; Maeda, J.; Mariani, Camillo; Maricic, Jelena; Martino, J.; Matsubara, T.; Mention, G.; Meregaglia, A.; Miletic, T.; Milincic, R.; Minotti, A.; Nagasaka, Y.; Navas-Nicolás, D.; Novella, P.; Oberauer, L.; Obolensky, M.; Onillon, A.; Osborn, A.; Palomares, C.; Pepe, I. M.; Perasso, S.; Porta, A.; Pronost, G.; Reichenbacher, J.; Reinhold, B.; Roehling, M.; Roncin, R.; Rybolt, B.; Sakamoto, Y.; Santorelli, R.; Schilithz, A. C.; Schoenert, S.; Schoppmann, S.; Shaevitz, Marjorie Hansen; Sharankova, R.; Shrestha, D.; Sibille, V.; Sinev, V.; Skorokhvatov, Mikhail D.; Smith, E.; Soiron, M.; Spitz, Joshua; Stahl, A.; Stancu, Ion; Stokes, Lee F. F.; Strait, M.; Suekane, F.; Sukhotin, S.; Sumiyoshi, T.; Sun, Y.; Svoboda, R.; Terao, K.; Tonazzo, A.; Thi, H. H. T.; Valdiviesso, G. A.; Vassilopoulos, N.; Veyssiere, C.; Vivier, M.; Wagner, S.; Walsh, N.; Watanabe, H.; Wiebusch, C.; Wurm, M.; Yang, G.; Yermia, F.; Zimmer, V. (Springer, 2016-01-27)The Double Chooz collaboration presents a measurement of the neutrino mixing angle θ13 using reactor νe observed via the inverse beta decay reaction in which the neutron is captured on hydrogen. This measurement is based on 462.72 live days data, approximately twice as much data as in the previous such analysis, collected with a detector positioned at an average distance of 1050m from two reactor cores. Several novel techniques have been developed to achieve significant reductions of the backgrounds and systematic uncertainties. Accidental coincidences, the dominant background in this analysis, are suppressed by more than an order of magnitude with respect to our previous publication by a multi-variate analysis. These improvements demonstrate the capability of precise measurement of reactor νe without gadolinium loading. Spectral distortions from the νe reactor flux predictions previously reported with the neutron capture on gadolinium events are confirmed in the independent data sample presented here. A value of sin2 2θ13 = 0.095+0.038−0.039(stat+syst) is obtained from a fit to the observed event rate as a function of the reactor power, a method insensitive to the energy spectrum shape. A simultaneous fit of the hydrogen capture events and of the gadolinium capture events yields a measurement of sin2 2θ13 = 0.088 ± 0.033(stat+syst).
- Modulations of the cosmic muon signal in ten years of Borexino dataAgostini, Matteo; Altenmueller, Konrad; Appel, S.; Atroshchenko, Victor; Bagdasarian, Zara; Basilico, D.; Bellini, G.; Benziger, Jay; Bick, D.; Bolognino, Irene; Bonfini, G.; Bravo, D.; Caccianiga, B.; Calaprice, F.; Caminata, A.; Caprioli, S.; Carlini, M.; Cavalcante, P.; Cavanna, F.; Chepurnov, A.; Choi, K.; Collica, L.; D'Angelo, D.; Davini, S.; Derbin, A. V.; Ding, X. F.; Di Ludovico, Antonio; Di Noto, Lea; Drachnev, I.; Fomenko, K.; Formozov, A.; Franco, D.; Gabriele, Federico; Galbiati, C.; Gschwender, M.; Ghiano, C.; Giammarchi, Marco; Goretti, A.; Gromov, M.; Guffanti, D.; Hagner, C.; Houdy, T.; Hungerford, Ed V.; Ianni, Aldo; Ianni, Andrea; Jany, A.; Jeschke, D.; Kobychev, V.; Korablev, D.; Korga, G.; Kudryavtsev, V. A.; Kumaran, S.; Lachenmaier, Tobias; Laubenstein, Matthias; Litvinovich, E.; Lombardi, Francesco; Lombardi, Paolo; Ludhova, L.; Lukyanchenko, G.; Lukyanchenko, L.; Machulin, I. N.; Manuzio, G.; Marcocci, S.; Maricic, Jelena; Martyn, J.; Meighen-Berger, S.; Meroni, E.; Meyer, M.; Miramonti, L.; Misiaszek, M.; Muratova, V. N.; Neumair, B.; Nieslony, M.; Oberauer, L.; Opitz, B.; Orekhov, V.; Ortica, F.; Pallavicini, M.; Papp, L.; Penek, Oe; Pietrofaccia, L.; Pilipenko, N.; Pocar, A.; Porcelli, A.; Raikov, G.; Ranucci, G.; Razeto, A.; Re, A.; Redchuk, M.; Romani, A.; Rossi, Nicola; Rottenanger, Sebastian; Schoenert, S.; Semenov, D. A.; Skorokhvatov, Mikhail D.; Smirnov, O. Y.; Sotnikov, A.; Stokes, Lee F. F.; Suvorov, Yura; Tartaglia, R.; Testera, G.; Thurn, J.; Toropova, M.; Unzhakov, E. V.; Vishneva, A.; Vogelaar, R. Bruce; von Feilitzsch, F.; Weinz, S.; Wojcik, M. M.; Wurm, M.; Yokley, Z. W.; Zaimidoroga, O.; Zavatarelli, S.; Zuber, Kai; Zuzel, G. (2019-02)We have measured the flux of cosmic muons in the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso at 3800 m.w.e. to be (3.432 +/- 0.003) center dot 10(-4) m(-2) s(-1) based on ten years of Borexino data acquired between May 2007 and May 2017. A seasonal modulation with a period of (366.3 +/- 0.6) d and a relative amplitude of (1.36 +/- 0.04)% is observed. The phase is measured to be (181.7 +/- 0.4) d, corresponding to a maximum at the 1 st of July. Using data inferred from global atmospheric models, we show the muon flux to be positively correlated with the atmospheric temperature and measure the e ff ective temperature coe ffi cient alpha(T) = 0.90 +/- 0.02. The origin of cosmic muons from pion and kaon decays in the atmosphere allows to interpret the e ff ective temperature coe ffi cient as an indirect measurement of the atmospheric kaon-topion production ratio r(K/pi) = 0.11(-0.07)(+0.11) for primary energies above 18TeV. We find evidence for a long-term modulation of the muon flux with a period of similar to 3000 d and a maximum in June 2012 that is not present in the atmospheric temperature data. A possible correlation between this modulation and the solar activity is investigated. The cosmogenic neutron production rate is found to show a seasonal modulation in phase with the cosmic muon flux but with an increased amplitude of (2.6 +/- 0.4)%.
- Yields and production rates of cosmogenic Li-9 and He-8 measured with the Double Chooz near and far detectorsde Kerret, H.; Abrahao, T.; Almazan, H.; dos Anjos, J. C.; Appel, S.; Barriere, J. C.; Bekman, I.; Bezerra, T. J. C.; Bezrukhov, Leonid B.; Blucher, E.; Brugiere, T.; Buck, C.; Busenitz, J.; Cabrera, A.; Cerrada, M.; Chauveau, E.; Chimenti, P.; Corpace, O.; Dawson, J. V.; Djurcic, Zelimir; Etenko, A.; Franco, D.; Furuta, H.; Gil-Botella, I.; Givaudan, A.; Gomez, H.; Gonzalez, L. F. G.; Goodman, M. C.; Hara, T.; Haser, J.; Hellwig, D.; Hourlier, A.; Ishitsuka, M.; Jochum, J.; Jollet, C.; Kale, K.; Kaneda, M.; Karakac, M.; Kawasaki, T.; Kemp, E.; Kryn, D.; Kuze, M.; Lachenmaier, Tobias; Lane, C. E.; Lasserre, T.; Lastoria, C.; Lhuillier, D.; Lima, H. P., Jr.; Lindner, M.; Lopez-Castano, J. M.; LoSecco, J. M.; Lubsandorzhiev, B. K.; Maeda, J.; Mariani, Camillo; Maricic, Jelena; Martino, J.; Matsubara, T.; Mention, G.; Meregaglia, A.; Miletic, T.; Milincic, R.; Navas-Nicolás, D.; Novella, P.; Nunokawa, H.; Oberauer, L.; Obolensky, M.; Onillon, A.; Oralbaev, A.; Palomares, C.; Pepe, I. M.; Pronost, G.; Reichenbacher, J.; Reinhold, B.; Settimo, M.; Schoenert, S.; Schoppmann, S.; Scola, L.; Sharankova, R.; Sibille, V.; Sinev, V.; Skorokhvatov, Mikhail D.; Soldin, P.; Stahl, A.; Stancu, Ion; Stokes, Lee F. F.; Suekane, F.; Sukhotin, S.; Sumiyoshi, T.; Sun, Y.; Tonazzo, A.; Veyssiere, C.; Viaud, B.; Vivier, M.; Wagner, S.; Wiebusch, C.; Wurm, M.; Yang, G.; Yermia, F. (Springer, 2018-11-08)The yields and production rates of the radioisotopes Li-9 and He-8 created by cosmic muon spallation on C-12, have been measured by the two detectors of the Double Chooz experiment. The identical detectors are located at separate sites and depths, which means that they are subject to different muon spectra. The near (far) detector has an overburden of approximate to 120 m.w.e. (approximate to 300 m.w.e.) corresponding to a mean muon energy of 32.1 +/- 2.0 GeV (63.7 +/- 5.5 GeV). Comparing the data to a detailed simulation of the Li-9 and He-8 decays, the contribution of the He-8 radioisotope at both detectors is found to be compatible with zero. The observed Li-9 yields in the near and far detectors are 5.51 +/- 0.51 and 7.90 +/- 0.51, respectively, in units of 10(-8-1)g(-1)cm(2). The shallow overburdens of the near and far detectors give a unique insight when combined with measurements by KamLAND and Borexino to give the first multi-experiment, data driven relationship between the Li-9 yield and the mean muon energy according to the power law and Y-0 = (0.43 +/- 0.11) x 10(-8-1)g(-1)cm(2). This relationship gives future liquid scintillator based experiments the ability to predict their cosmogenic Li-9 background rates.