Browsing by Author "Bowman, Maggie M."
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- Climate Effects on Subsoil Carbon Loss Mediated by Soil ChemistryPossinger, Angela R.; Weiglein, Tyler L.; Bowman, Maggie M.; Gallo, Adrian C.; Hatten, Jeff A.; Heckman, Katherine A.; Matosziuk, Lauren M.; Nave, Lucas E.; SanClements, Michael D.; Swanston, Christopher W.; Strahm, Brian D. (American Chemical Society, 2021-12-07)Subsoils store at least 50% of soil organic carbon (SOC) globally, but climate change may accelerate subsoil SOC (SOCsub) decomposition and amplify SOC-climate feedbacks. The climate sensitivity of SOCsub decomposition varies across systems, but we lack the mechanistic links needed to predict system-specific SOCsub vulnerability as a function of measurable properties at larger scales. Here, we show that soil chemical properties exert significant control over SOCsub decomposition under elevated temperature and moisture in subsoils collected across terrestrial National Ecological Observatory Network sites. Compared to a suite of soil and site-level variables, a divalent base cation-to-reactive metal gradient, linked to dominant mechanisms of SOCsub mineral protection, was the best predictor of the climate sensitivity of SOC decomposition. The response was "U"-shaped, showing higher sensitivity to temperature and moisture when either extractable base cations or reactive metals were highest. However, SOCsub in base cation-dominated subsoils was more sensitive to moisture than temperature, with the opposite relationship demonstrated in reactive metal-dominated subsoils. These observations highlight the importance of system-specific mechanisms of mineral stabilization in the prediction of SOCsub vulnerability to climate drivers. Our observations also form the basis for a spatially explicit, scalable, and mechanistically grounded tool for improved prediction of SOCsub response to climate change.
- Divergent controls on carbon concentration and persistence between forests and grasslands of the conterminous USHeckman, Katherine A.; Nave, Lucas E.; Bowman, Maggie M.; Gallo, Adrian C.; Hatten, Jeff A.; Matosziuk, Lauren M.; Possinger, Angela R.; SanClements, Michael D.; Strahm, Brian D.; Weiglein, Tyler L.; Rasmussen, C.; Swanston, Christopher W. (2020-12)Variation in soil organic C (%OC) concentration has been associated with the concentration of reactive Fe- and Al-oxyhydroxide phases and exchangeable Ca, with the relative importance of these two stabilizing components shifting as soil pH moves from acid to alkaline. However, it is currently unknown if this pattern is similar or different with regard to measures of soil C persistence. We sampled soils from 3 horizons (uppermost A, uppermost B, C or lowest B horizons) across a pH gradient of 11 grass-dominated and 13 deciduous/mixed forest-dominated NEON sites to examine similarities and differences in the drivers of C concentration and persistence. Variation in C concentrations in all soils could be linked to abundances of Fe, Al and Ca, but were not significantly linked to variation in soil C persistence. Though pH was related to variation in Delta(OC)-O-14, higher persistence was associated with more alkaline pH values. In forested soils, depth explained 75% of the variation in Delta(OC)-O-14 (p < 0.0001), with no significant additional correlations with extractable metal phases. In grasslands, soil organic C persistence was not associated with exchangeable Ca concentrations, but instead was explained by depth and inorganic C concentrations (R-2 = 0.76, p < 0.0001), implying stabilization of organic C through association with carbonate precipitation. In grasslands, measures of substrate quality suggested greater persistence is also associated with a more advanced degree of decomposition. Results suggest that explanatory variables associated with C concentrations differ from those associated with persistence, and that reactive Fe- and Al-oxyhydroxide phases may not be present in high enough concentrations in most soils to offer any significant protective capacity. These results have significant implications for our understanding of how to model the soil C cycle and may suggest previously unrecognized stabilization mechanisms associated with carbonates and forms of extractable Si.
- Key predictors of soil organic matter vulnerability to mineralization differ with depth at a continental scaleWeiglein, Tyler L.; Strahm, Brian D.; Bowman, Maggie M.; Gallo, Adrian C.; Hatten, Jeff A.; Heckman, Katherine A.; Matosziuk, Lauren M.; Nave, Lucas E.; Possinger, Angela R.; SanClements, Michael D.; Swanston, Christopher W. (2021-11-06)Soil organic matter (SOM) is the largest terrestrial pool of organic carbon, and potential carbon-climate feedbacks involving SOM decomposition could exacerbate anthropogenic climate change. However, our understanding of the controls on SOM mineralization is still incomplete, and as such, our ability to predict carbon-climate feedbacks is limited. To improve our understanding of controls on SOM decomposition, A and upper B horizon soil samples from 26 National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) sites spanning the conterminous U.S. were incubated for 52 weeks under conditions representing site-specific mean summer temperature and sample-specific field capacity (-33 kPa) water potential. Cumulative carbon dioxide respired was periodically measured and normalized by soil organic C content to calculate cumulative specific respiration (CSR), a metric of SOM vulnerability to mineralization. The Boruta algorithm, a feature selection algorithm, was used to select important predictors of CSR from 159 variables. A diverse suite of predictors was selected (12 for A horizons, 7 for B horizons) with predictors falling into three categories corresponding to SOM chemistry, reactive Fe and Al phases, and site moisture availability. The relationship between SOM chemistry predictors and CSR was complex, while sites that had greater concentrations of reactive Fe and Al phases or were wetter had lower CSR. Only three predictors were selected for both horizon types, suggesting dominant controls on SOM decomposition differ by horizon. Our findings contribute to the emerging consensus that a broad array of controls regulates SOM decomposition at large scales and highlight the need to consider changing controls with depth.
- Moisture-driven divergence in mineral-associated soil carbon persistenceHeckman, Katherine A.; Possinger, Angela R.; Badgley, Brian D.; Bowman, Maggie M.; Gallo, Adrian C.; Hatten, Jeff A.; Nave, Lucas E.; SanClements, Michael D.; Swanston, Christopher W.; Weiglein, Tyler L.; Wieder, William R.; Strahm, Brian D. (PNAS, 2023-02-06)Mineral stabilization of soil organic matter is an important regulator of the global carbon (C) cycle. However, the vulnerability of mineral-stabilized organic matter (OM) to climate change is currently unknown. We examined soil profiles from 34 sites across the conterminous USA to investigate how the abundance and persistence of mineral-associated organic C varied with climate at the continental scale. Using a novel combination of radiocarbon and molecular composition measurements, we show that the relationship between the abundance and persistence of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) appears to be driven by moisture availability. In wetter climates where precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration, excess moisture leads to deeper and more prolonged periods of wetness, creating conditions which favor greater root abundance and also allow for greater diffusion and interaction of inputs with MAOM. In these humid soils, mineral- associated soil organic C concentration and persistence are strongly linked, whereas this relationship is absent in drier climates. In arid soils, root abundance is lower, and interaction of inputs with mineral surfaces is limited by shallower and briefer periods of moisture, resulting in a disconnect between concentration and persistence. Data suggest a tipping point in the cycling of mineral-associated C at a climate threshold where precipitation equals evaporation. As climate patterns shift, our findings emphasize that divergence in the mechanisms of OM persistence associated with historical climate legacies need to be considered in process-based models.
- Patterns and predictors of soil organic carbon storage across a continental-scale networkNave, Lucas E.; Bowman, Maggie M.; Gallo, Adrian C.; Hatten, Jeff A.; Heckman, Katherine A.; Matosziuk, Lauren M.; Possinger, Angela R.; SanClements, Michael D.; Sanderman, J.; Strahm, Brian D.; Weiglein, Tyler L.; Swanston, Christopher W. (2021-01-30)The rarity of rapid campaigns to characterize soils across scales limits opportunities to investigate variation in soil carbon stocks (SOC) storage simultaneously at large and small scales, with and without site-level replication. We used data from two complementary campaigns at 40 sites in the United States across the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), in which one campaign sampled profiles from closely co-located intensive plots and physically composited similar horizons, and the other sampled dozens of pedons across the landscape at each site. We demonstrate some consistencies between these distinct designs, while also revealing that within-site replication reveals patterns and predictors of SOC stocks not detectable with non-replicated designs. Both designs demonstrate that SOC stocks of whole soil profiles vary across continental-scale climate gradients. However, broad climate patterns may mask the importance of localized variation in soil physicochemical properties, as captured by within-site sampling, especially for SOC stocks of discrete genetic horizons. Within-site replication also reveals examples in which expectations based on readily explained continental-scale patterns do not hold. For example, even wide-ranging drainage class sequences within landscapes do not duplicate the clear differences in profile SOC stocks across drainage classes at the continental scale, and physicochemical factors associated with increasing B horizon SOC stocks at continental scales frequently do not follow the same patterns within landscapes. Because inferences from SOC studies are a product of their context (where, when, how), this study provides context-in terms of SOC stocks and the factors that influence them-for others assessing soils and the C cycle at NEON sites.
- Short-Term Effects of Recent Fire on the Production and Translocation of Pyrogenic Carbon in Great Smoky Mountains National ParkMatosziuk, Lauren M.; Gallo, Adrian C.; Hatten, Jeff A.; Bladon, Kevin D.; Ruud, Danica; Bowman, Maggie M.; Egan, Jessica; Heckman, Katherine A.; SanClements, Michael D.; Strahm, Brian D.; Weiglein, Tyler L. (2020-02-04)Fire affects the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM). While combustion of the O-horizon causes direct losses of SOM, fire also transforms the remaining SOM into a spectrum of thermally altered organic matter. Pyrogenic carbon (PyC) can resist degradation and may have important effects on soil carbon cycling. The objectives of this study are to examine the mobility of PyC. Studying the effects of wildfire is challenging due to the rapid post-fire changes in the ecosystem and lack of robust controls. We overcame those limitations by examining the Chimney Tops 2 Fire which burned 4,617 ha of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSMNP), including a National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) site, in November 2016. We examined PyC in soils from three time points from an area burned at low-severity (pre-, immediate post-, and 11 months post-fire) and two time points from areas burned at lower to higher severity (immediate post- and 11 months post-fire). At locations with pre-fire soil samples we found that PyC increased in the O-horizon (2.22 g BPCA/kg soil) after low severity fire, which resulted in higher PyC concentrations at 5-10 cm (0.73 g BPCA/kg soil and 17.79 g BPCA/kg C) and 10-20 cm (12.19 g BPCA/kg C) of depth in the mineral soil. Sites burned at higher severity had more PyC in the O horizon relative to sites burned at lower severity (10.29 g BPCA/kg soil and 29.89 g BPCA/kg C). As a result of higher concentrations of PyC in the O-horizons burned at higher severity, statistically more PyC moved from the O-horizon to the 0-10 cm horizon from immediate to 1-year post-fire (1.37 g BPCA/kg soil and 16.10 g BPCA/kg C). Lastly, the depth profile of C and BPCA suggest a shift in the source and amount of PyC in these soil profiles over time-possibly as a result of fire suppression. Results indicate that low severity fire may be an important mechanism by which PyC is produced and transported into mineral soils.