Browsing by Author "Lockee, Barbara B."
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- Adaptive Life-Long Learning for an Inclusive Knowledge EconomyArnold, Amy; Lindsey, Andrew; McCoy, Andrew P.; Khademian, Anne M.; Lockee, Barbara B.; Adams, Carol; Amelink, Catherine T.; Blankenship, Chip; Glover, Christopher; Harris, Chrystal; Hoyle, Clayton; Potts, Colin; Pike, Dale; Whittaker, Dale; Kjellsson, Daniel; Hare, David; Tegarden, David P.; Tinapple, David; Ucko, David; Nahapetian, Eta; Hou, Feng; Holmes, Glen A.; Keyel, Jared; Garrett, Jeff; Joo, Jenna; McPhee, Joel; Boyer, John D.; Flato, John; Lister, Jonothan; Haldane, Joseph; Greenwood, Julie; Sanders, Karen Eley; Bruce, Karla; Lindsey, Kate; Carlson, Kimberly; Wingfeld, Kristin; Hamilton, Laura; McNair, Lisa D.; Kamlet, Mark; Semmel, Marsha; Holt, Matthew; Richey, Michael; Kumar, Mukul; Spivy, Nene; Cardwell, Owen; Holloway, Rachel L.; Swearer, Randy; Hall, Ralph P.; Clark-Stallkamp, Rebecca; Mazer, Robert; Smith, Robert; Reynolds, Roger; Bess, Diego Scott; Weimer, Scott; Sagheb, Shahabedin; Garmise, Sheri; Ashburn, Sherrell; Johnson, Sylvester; Cardone, Taran; Nicewonger, Todd; Martin, Tom; Quick, Tom; Rikakis, Thanassis; Skuzinski, Thomas; Contomanolis, Manny (Calhoun Center for Higher Education Innovation, 2020-08-24)This report addresses the globalized knowledge economy in the 21st century; not only as it exists today, but the knowledge economy needed to meet the demands of tomorrow. This report proposes that in order for our knowledge economy to grow and be sustainable, it must be inclusive in ways that enable it to adapt to—and incorporate within it—the personal and professional growth of a large and diverse body of lifelong learners. In this introduction, we first define what we mean by inclusive knowledge and explain how our proposed definition expands some of the traditional understandings. We then show that an expansive and dynamic conceptualization of knowledge increases inclusion and promotes lifelong adaptive learning as a mindset and a practice.
- Administrators, Faculty, and Staff/Support Staff Perceptions of MBNQA Educational Criteria Implementation at the University of Wisconsin StoutDettmann, Paul E. (Virginia Tech, 2004-07-14)This study focused on the University of Wisconsin Stout's (UW Stout) implementation of the Malcolm Baldridge Award (MBNQA) Criteria for Educational Performance Excellence. The study had two objectives: (1) to determine administrator, faculty, and staff/support staff perceptions and compare those perceptions; and, (2) to identify the positive and negative views each of the three groups held regarding the implementation process. The study design was a mixed method approach which used both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Administrators, faculty, and staff/support staff at UW Stout were randomly selected to participate in the study. The instrument used to gather information contained 26 quantitative, two qualitative, and three demographic questions. Qualitative data were analyzed using analysis of variance with an alpha level established at .05. Results revealed significant differences in participants' perceptions for four of the seven MBNQA categories. Tukey Post-Hoc tests were performed for each of the significant categories. Post-Hoc tests for all four categories indicated that administrative participants had significantly more positive perceptions of MBNQA education criteria implementation than faculty or staff/support staff. A content analysis of the qualitative data revealed five positive themes: (1) Recognition as a Center of Excellence, (2) Pride in Affiliation, (3) Positive Exposure/Marketing Opportunities, (4) Conduit for Continuous Improvement, and (5) Increased Communication. Analysis also revealed nine common negative themes: (1) Perceived Opportunity Costs, (2) Education/Training Needs. (3) A Lack of Continuous Improvement, (4) Increased Workload, (5) Disconnect Between the Award and the University Mission, (6) Campus Climate, (7) Increased Quality Expectations, (8) Decisions Being Made Without Following the Baldridge Model, and (9) Insufficient Employee Recognition. Study findings may provide insight regarding employees' differing views of quality implementation at the university level. Results of this investigation may be useful to quality consultants who assist others in the establishment of institutional quality initiatives as well as higher education administrators who are considering MBNQA criteria implementation at their own institutions.
- Analysis of Factors That Influence a Teacher's Use of Computer Technology in the K-5 ClassroomRickman-Rogers, Tonya Patrice (Virginia Tech, 2009-04-02)Throughout the last 30 years, there has been a movement to use computer technology in schools to enhance teaching and learning. In recent years, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 has mandated that states have a long range strategic educational technology plan that describes the many facets of their technology integration efforts (2002). However, at this time research indicates that technology integration in classrooms is still low tech and infrequent (Cuban, 2001; NCES, 2005a). The purpose of this quantitative study was to gain insight into a teacher's use of computer technology with students in K-5 general education public school classrooms across the state of Virginia. Eleven independent variables (e.g., teaching philosophy, professional development, hardware proficiency, software proficiency) and 2 dependent variables (i.e., frequency and application of technology integration) were selected based on a review of literature and input from educators. A questionnaire, designed to measure variables, was field tested for validity and reliability then administrated to teachers. The population of the study was approximately 16,500 K-5 general education public school teachers from the state of Virginia with active e-mail addresses in the Market Data Retrieval (MDR) database. A systematic sample of 1,400 K-5 teachers was selected from the MDR database. Teachers' responses rendered 313 usable questionnaires. Analysis of the data revealed that the majority of independent variables (8), with the exception of 3 independent variables (i.e., technical support, student to computer ratio, technology integration support), yielded significant correlations with the dependent variable frequency of technology integration. Whereas, all independent variables (10), with the exception of technical support, yielded significant correlations with the dependent variable application of technology integration. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine whether the 11 independent variables were significant predictors of variation in the dependent variables (frequency and application of integration). The results of both regression analyses rendered significant models for the prediction of variation in frequency and application of integration (R2= .16, R2=.39), respectively. The researcher concluded that the predicted variance (R2= .16) of regression model 1 was too small to be considered a viable model for the predication of variation in frequency. Whereas, regression model 2 predicted a greater level of variance (R2=.39), thus it was considered a good predictor of variation in the application of technology integration. Three of the 11 independent variables (i.e., software availability, teaching philosophy, and software proficiency) were among the variables that were significant predictors of variance in the application of technology integration. The strongest predictor was software availability followed by teaching philosophy and software proficiency. Teachers who reported moderate to low variety in the application of technology integration also reported moderate access to software, moderately low software proficiency, and use of instructional practices that were consistent with constructivism.
- Assessing Student-Athletes' Motivation: The Development and Validation of the MUSIC® Model of Athletic Motivation InventoryMunz, Stephan Georg (Virginia Tech, 2018-07-31)Motivation is a key ingredient of successful athletic performance over time. Although the concept of maximizing motivation has long been of interest to coaches and practitioners, the vast number of motivational theories, principles, and strategies can seem overwhelming and confusing. Consequently, there is a need for providing more holistic frameworks to coaches and practitioners that not only summarize the essential findings of motivation research but also make the information more understandable and applicable in practical settings. The purpose of this study is to present and test the MUSIC Model of Motivation as a framework that can be applied in performance environments by coaches and practitioners to improve athletes' motivation, engagement, and ultimately, performance. The dissertation includes three related studies. First, I conducted a systematic content analysis to support the application of the MUSIC Model in sports. I analyzed 13 books in the realm of sport psychology and coaching. Results showed strong evidence that the underlying principles and theories of the MUSIC Model are represented in the sports literature, which supports the application of the model as a holistic framework for coaches. For the second study, Brett Jones and I developed a motivation inventory for athletes by modifying an existing motivation inventory for use with athletes. I collected data from student athletes at a large public university and conducted Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with Principal Axis Factoring and Promax Rotation to examine the factor structure of the inventory scales. I used the results of the EFA to make changes to the inventory. Subsequently, I conducted a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) on a second data set to test for model fit. The fit indices for the CFA demonstrated reasonably good fit to the results, which confirmed the five-factor structure of motivation inventory. Reliability analysis based on Cronbach's alpha showed very good results with alpha ratings ranging between .84 and .94. Overall, the findings provided validity evidence for the produced scores of the MUSIC® Athletic Inventory with student-athletes.
- Assessing Visual Literacy: A Review and An AttemptLi, Mingyu (Virginia Tech, 2021-07-23)This dissertation was driven by a lack of evidence substantiating the current state of visual literacy knowledge and skills of instructional design professionals and the continuing call for visual literacy assessment research. The project has contributed two manuscripts that examine the existing visual literacy assessment research and document an attempt at designing and developing an evidence-based visual literacy assessment product. The first manuscript, a comprehensive literature review, offers insights into how visual literacy has been assessed over the years and the challenges associated with establishing a research agenda for visual literacy assessment as revealed by current research and practice. The second manuscript, adopting the design and development research methodology, aims to design and develop a product that instructional designers can use to assess or diagnose the strengths and weaknesses in their knowledge regarding a fundamental vocabulary of visual literacy.
- The Assessment Agent System: Assessing Comprehensive Understanding Based on Concept MapsLiu, Jianhua (Virginia Tech, 2010-09-10)This dissertation explores the feasibility of employing software agent technology to support large-scale assessment. The research included the design, development, and evaluation of the Assessment Agent System for assessing comprehensive understanding based on concept maps. The system was designed by following an agent-oriented software design method. The Assessment Agent System is composed of five types of software agents: instructor agent, student agent, management agent, assessment agent, and reporting agent. Each of these agents was designed to possess different capabilities. Software agents in the system, through communication and cooperation, collectively provide the functionalities of user-system interaction, user management, task authoring and management, assessment delivery, task presentation, response collection, automatic assessing with feedback, and reporting. Through the process of design, development, and evaluation of the Assessment Agent System, this study demonstrates an approach that employs an agent-oriented software design method to produce sophisticated educational software applications. Furthermore, this study explored the concept map assessing method for the Assessment Agent System. When node terms and linking phrases are provided, assessing student concept maps can be automated by comparing student concept maps with assessment criteria, proposition by proposition. However, the usefulness of the proposition-comparing method depends heavily on the accuracy and thoroughness of the criterion propositions. Therefore, assessment criteria need to be continually refined and improved through examining student-created propositions.
- Autonomy Supportive Instruction as it relates to Students' Motivational Beliefs on an ePortfolio Project: The Moderating Role of Culturally Based Learning PreferencesWoodyard, Jacquelyn Claire (Virginia Tech, 2016-11-07)This study investigated students' perceptions of autonomy support from an instructor in relation to students' motivational beliefs on an ePortfolio project. The motivational beliefs of interest included: Effort/Importance, felt Pressure/Tension, and Value/Usefulness. These relationships were further examined with particular focus on the potential moderating role of students' culturally based learning preferences as outlined in Parrish and Linder-VanBerschot's (2010) Cultural Dimensions of Learning Framework (CDLF). This study was quasi-experimental, survey-based research supported by self-reported data collected from a convenience sample of graduate and undergraduate students. Students enrolled in a variety of courses that assigned an ePortfolio assignment received an email invitation from their instructor and self-selected to participate. Based on the responses of 35 students, the findings from this research showed significant relationships between three culturally based learning preferences and the motivational belief of Value/Usefulness. A summary of findings, limitations, and implications for further research are discussed.
- Blending cognitive rule-based, process-based, and context-based theories in the development of online grammar instructionZaldivar, Marc Robert (Virginia Tech, 2008-10-28)This study proposes to blend contemporary educational research in order to design an online instructional environment. The goal was to create an environment that would better educate learners about grammar use in higher education, given the complexity of the rule learning that was being asked of them. By blending approaches from tested educational research on cognitive information processing theories, schema theories, and situated cognitive theories in order to determine how language rules are best learned, eight design principles were derived for the instructional environment. A prototype of the environment was then developed. Two series of formative evaluations, one with a group of subject-matter experts (teachers, linguists, and instructional designers) and one with a group of students, were run against the instruction. Overall, it was found that a database-driven website employing user-defined variables to customize the instruction for each individual user was a useful way to achieve the goals of the study.
- Building a Community of Practice in the Workplace: A Case Study at a University Information Technology Call CenterZhang, Qing; Lockee, Barbara B. (IGI Global, 2022)This study adopts Wenger's (1998) community of practice (CoP) framework to understand the relationships and professional learning community formed at an information technology call center at a large research university in the United States. Forming CoP in the workplace can facilitate organizational knowledge sharing and improve employee performance. In this study, 14 indicators are used to investigate the phenomena of a community of practice at an IT call center. Data on key features of a community of practice was collected from multiple sources, including on-site observations, surveys, interviews, and documents and artifacts. A social network analysis was performed to reveal the connections among employees at the IT call center. The findings indicate that a community of practice was formed at the IT call center based on the Wenger's CoP indicators. These determining features can be used to evaluate the successful adoption of a community of practice within an organization as a means to enhance informal workplace learning and facilitate professional development.
- Building a tool for determining e-learning readiness in organizations: A design and development studyJames-Springer, Cathy Daria (Virginia Tech, 2016-05-04)E-learning continues to gain popularity as a way of delivering instruction in the workplace. However, adoption of e-learning is often considered without determining organizational readiness for e-learning. Comacchio and Scapolan (2004) found that bandwagon pressures such as fear of losing competitive advantage often drive e-learning adoption decisions. Many organizations use various types of analysis to determine instructional need but often at a course level. An e-learning readiness analysis tool will add to existing tools but focus on the workplace organization as the unit of study. The purpose of this design and development study is to create an analysis tool for determining e-learning readiness in organizations. Four existing e-learning readiness models, Aydin and Tasci (2005); Chapnick (2005); Borotis and Poulymenakou (2005) and Psycharis (2005), were used as a basis for identifying factors affecting e-learning readiness which informed the tool design. Using developmental research-based practices the tool was developed for use by practitioners. This study describes the design and development of the tool and the expert review used in the validation of the tool.
- A Case Study of Adoption and Diffusion of an Existing Asynchronous Distance Learning ProgramSchauer-Crabb, Cheryl Anne (Virginia Tech, 2002-04-11)This case study examines an asynchronous distance learning program to identify characteristics critical to the diffusion and adoption process necessary for effective implementation. These attributes extrapolated from the review of literature and case study examination are both insightful and timely, since many educational institutions are currently implementing distance learning programs without a formal plan or vision. The study specified how an asynchronous program dealt with the diffusion and adoption process by providing a thorough examination of secondary documentation and archival record review, coupled with program interviews. Media for communicating information has expanded from simple print, voice, and face-to-face communications to include fax, voice mail, computer-assisted instruction, email, video and other technologies. These technologies are central to the mission of education. Institutions have entered the distance learning arena with the intent of capturing and attracting nontraditional students, as defined by age, marital status or employment status, to the academic market. Adoption and diffusion mechanisms focus on societal and customer needs. At institutions of higher learning, students are the customers and their academic needs should come first. The corporate sector is indirectly shaping education by hiring students who have acquired the skills needed to compete in the information age. Distance education must have an integrated strategic plan that successfully aligns all vital programs to support academic, industry and societal needs. Students and faculty must have easy access to information resources, support services, policies and procedures for distance education. The information resulting from this examination may facilitate adoption and diffusion of asynchronous distance learning programs. Based upon identified characteristics, the ancillary product of this case study was a compiled list and discussion of lessons learned, composed from the review of literature and case study examination. Key recommendations from the study, and substantiated in the review of literature, follow: • The case study had an adaptable infrastructure that changed with the times. • The purchase and use of distance learning technology was consistent with the strategic plan. • Participants had easy access and training to distance learning technology.
- A Case Study on How Workers in a Fast-paced Environment Go Through the Knowledge Life Cycle When Dealing with Critical IncidentsFowlin, Julaine M. (Virginia Tech, 2014-04-27)21st century work environments are becoming more dynamic; they are fast-paced and require critical incidents to be dealt with in a shorter time frame. At the same time, in order for organizations to survive knowledge management (KM) systems need to be in place that allow organizations to learn from these incidents and use the knowledge gained to solve new problems. The knowledge life cycle consists of three phases: create, preserve, and disseminate. The knowledge life cycle also involves the transformation of knowledge from tacit to explicit, which is important to shift knowledge from the individual level to the organizational level; this represents a very important objective of KM. KM is not a domain on its own but intersects with other areas such as organizational learning, performance support, and communities of practice. Learning and performance support are among the concerns of practitioners in the sister fields of instructional design and technology (IDT) and human performance technology (HPT). Yet still, there are not many studies that examine KM through the lens of these professions. There is a need for knowledge to be accessible and for structures to be put in place to facilitate the knowledge life cycle. The purpose of this study was to explore how workers in a fast-paced environment go through the knowledge life cycle when dealing with critical incidents, and the factors that acted as driving and restraining forces. A single instrumental case study research design was used to study employees of a walk-in computer software help desk. The HPT model along with principles and procedures of critical incident technique were used to create a framework for data collection, which included interviews, a focus group session, and examination of extant data. Findings revealed that workers went through the knowledge life cycle by making internal and external connections and both organizational and individual factors impacted the flow of knowledge. A disconnection between available tools and work processes posed the greatest barrier to going through all the knowledge life cycle process.
- A Case Study Using Scenario-Based Design Tools and Techniques in the Formative Evaluation Stage of Instructional Design: Prototype Evaluation and Redesign of a Web-Enhanced Course InterfaceTurner, Sherri Guilliams (Virginia Tech, 1998-10-30)A Case Study Using Scenario-based Design Tools and Techniques in the Formative Evaluation Stage of Instructional Design: Prototype Evaluation and Redesign of a Web-Enhanced Course Interface. The main purpose of this study was to augment the formative evaluation process of instructional design through the incorporation of scenario-based design tools and strategies that focus on interface design. The test population was students from undergraduate "human development" courses at Virginia Tech, approximately 250 students. One prototype of a course web interface was tested and revised based on data collected during the formative evaluation process. The scenario data provided rationale for redesign considerations.
- Citation Context Analysis of Theory Use in Instructional Design and Technology Academic ArticlesGentry, Wendy Ann (Virginia Tech, 2016-11-03)Citations allow researchers to define relationships across articles and develop arguments by building on the work of others. This study explores citation of theory symbols in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) academic articles. The term theory symbol is used to define a concept that, after its original publication, is subsequently incorporated by later writers through citation. Exploring the citation history of the seminal publications makes it possible to trace theory symbol use over time and thus to trace its dissemination in the field. A typology of theory symbol use in IDT academic publication is developed through a citation context analysis (CCA) of a sample of articles published in Educational Technology Research and Development (ETRD) and its predecessor journals (1953–2012) which incorporate theory symbols through citation. This analysis contributes to an understanding of how theory has shaped IDT disciplinary knowledge and augments discourse analysis and bibliometrics by examining the context in which theory is incorporated into academic publication.
- The Comparability of Typographic and Substrate Variables in Legibility and Readability Research: An Integrative ReviewKamandhari, Helen Hendaria (Virginia Tech, 2018-05-02)This study focuses on the ability, or inability, to replicate or compare the design of text-related research from the perspective of the independent or dependent variables employed in such designs. Prior text-related research has used variables that were not clearly described or defined, could not be directly compared from one study or time period to the next, or were applied inappropriately. Measurements of typography-related and substrate-related variables may have absolute or relative values, and confusion can arise if the variables are not clearly identified and defined. The study is an integrative review with mixed methods research design investigating 44 books and two websites (part 1), and 83 journal articles and four theses/dissertations (part 2). The integrative review shows that the sources investigated present neither essential information on typographic and substrate characteristics nor consistent definitions of legibility and readability in order to allow comparable replication from one study to another. Findings are displayed in Chapter 4. Discussion and the related details are presented in Chapter 5.
- Comparison and Contrast of Undergraduate and Graduate IDT Course Syllabi across CountriesYang, Zhenhuan (Virginia Tech, 2023-08-28)The growing trend of internationalization in higher education underscores the importance of cross-national studies, particularly in the area of curricula, to facilitate learning and understanding among nations. This study examined undergraduate and graduate course syllabi from around the world to compare and contrast their components and subcomponents related to instructional design and technology. The aim was to identify major components and subcomponents and investigate their similarities and differences across continents. Additionally, the study explored the theories, principles, and concepts reflected in the syllabi and compared and contrasted them across the continents. The research analyzed 147 syllabi from 99 schools in 37 countries worldwide. The study identified eight major components that were present in the syllabi from all six continents, which include basic information, course information, course assessment, course resources, learning results, course schedule, course policies, and course expectations. The theories, principles, and concepts reflected in the syllabi included self-regulated learning, learner-centered pedagogy, universal design for learning, backward design, Bloom's taxonomy, and course objectives. However, the study also found significant differences in the specific components and subcomponents across continents. Therefore, when designing and creating a syllabus, it is essential to consider factors such as student readiness, instructor expertise, cultural practices, available resources, and educational policies, etc.
- Computer Anxiety and Computer Self-Efficacy Among Accounting Educators at Universiti Teknologi MARA, MalaysiaEmbi, Roslani (Virginia Tech, 2007-10-29)This study was designed to determine the levels of computer anxiety, computer self-efficacy, and computer applications usage among members of the Faculty of Accountancy at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. The importance of the role of technology and information systems in economic development has grown significantly throughout the globe, thus affecting how nations educate students in order to produce a more technologically literate workforce. With the implementation of the smart schools concept in Malaysia, whereby these facilities are equipped with multimedia technology and world-wide networking, educators in higher learning institutions have to prepare themselves for high school graduates who will be technologically literate. While there have been much research in this area conducted in the United States at many different levels, it has never been conducted in Malaysia, specifically with the accounting faculty at UiTM. Therefore, a total of 368 full-time accounting faculty members who were teaching in the 2006/2007 academic year were surveyed, using questionnaires. The questionnaires were focused on obtaining information with regard to participants and computer: (a) anxiety, (b) self-efficacy, (c) and software usage, as well as (d) general information. At the end of the data collection period, 262 responses were received from the population. A test of the nul1 hypothesis revealed no evidence to imply that the respondent group's gender and UiTM location distributions were significantly different from the population distributions based on the same attributes. Together with a high response rate (71%), these findings add credibility to the belief that the sample was representative of the population. This study showed that a majority of the faculty had low levels of computer anxiety and high levels of computer self-efficacy. Statistical analysis showed no significant mean differences between gender and age categories nor was there an interaction between the two said variables related to computer anxiety. However, pertaining to computer self-efficacy, the study found a statistically significant mean difference between age categories. Furthermore, the results from stepwise multiple regressions also indicated that the most efficient model for predicting the level of computer anxiety was composed of a single variable, computer self-efficacy.
- A Conceptual Model Incorporating Mindfulness to Enhance Reflection in a Situated Learning EnvironmentStoner, Alexis Marino (Virginia Tech, 2016-05-02)Key to designing instruction for situated learning is ensuring the ability of learners to transfer acquired knowledge to a variety of situations. Common to models of instruction and frameworks for situated learning is the importance of including activities for promoting reflection within the design of the learning environment. However, these models currently do not include detailed support for reflective practice that will help instructional designers prepare learners to meet the demands of situated learning. One method to meet the demand of the ill-structured nature of situated learning and provide adaptability for instructional design is through reflection-in-action and mindfulness. The purpose of this study was to apply design and development research methodologies to develop a conceptual model of reflection that incorporates mindfulness to enhance reflection-in-action within a situated learning environment. This model illustrates the relationship of incorporating mindfulness to help learners increase and direct attention to the present moment in order to improve performance through reflection-in-action. Based on the results of the study, mindfulness and reflection strategies are incorporated before, during, and after the learning experience to enhance reflection-in-action.
- The Conceptualization, Utilization, Benefts and Adoption of Learning ObjectsKim, Sunha (Virginia Tech, 2009-12-07)Learning objects have received attention because of their potential to improve current methods of teaching and learning. Despite perceived importance, there has been lack of studies that examine the use of learning objects across various contexts. In response, this study examined the actual use of learning objects and their perceptions among Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) practitioners in U.S. This study was based on the data from 191 IDT practitioners from various sectors, including higher education, business, government, and K-12. The study results contribute to the body of knowledge on learning objects in terms of four areas: conceptualization, utilization, benefits, and adoption. First, the study results should allay the concern that the conceptualization of learning objects focuses too much on technical aspects. IDT practitioners emphasized both technical and learning aspects in conceptualizing learning objects. In conclusion, the present study laid the foundation for a working definition of learning objects. Second, the study showed that IDT practitioners were utilizing learning objects to empower learners to have control over their own learning. The current study identified design strategies that IDT practitioners were frequently using. The most frequently utilized strategy was the provision of concrete, authentic examples and problems. Along with design strategies, this study identified the frequently adopted granularity levels: assets, combined media, one complete instructional unit, lesson or module, and course. Combined media, which consists of content and optional media, was the most frequently utilized granularity level of the five levels. The study provided empirical data to help determine formal design strategies and optimal granularity levels in utilizing learning objects based on the frequent use among IDT practitioners. Third, this study filled the research gap on the benefits of learning objects from an IDT perspective. Study results showed that IDT practitioners were positive about the overall benefits for the ID process, along with reusability and the support for the motivation and interactivity features. However, they were less convinced of the time and cost savings. Generally, IDT practitioners were satisfied with the benefits of learning objects. Fourth, the present study improved the understanding of the adoption status of learning objects. Currently, many of the participants' organizations were adopting or exploring the implementation of learning objects. The adoption of learning objects has a promising future, as IDT practitioners were positive about their organizations' intentions to use learning objects in the future. At the individual level, IDT practitioners were found to use learning objects for their professional role and across various projects. As an adoption factor, IDT practitioners showed the positive reactions to learning objects' perceived usefulness.
- Considerations for Instructional Message Design in Mobile Learning: A Design and Development StudyOfori, Eunice (Virginia Tech, 2018-12-03)In the past decades, teaching and learning has undergone rapid transformation partly because of advances in technology and access to such technology (Sung, Chang, and Liu, 2016). Mobile technologies (i.e. tablets, smartphones, and access to Internet) have become widespread, and is visible, even in the developing world (Aguayo, Cochrane, and Narayan , 2017). Mobile technologies allow for online learners to access learning resources on the go (McQuiggan, McQuiggan, Sabourin, and Kosturko, 2015). Instructional message design principles advance empirical tools aimed at producing lessons that allow for effective learning (Bishop, 2014). The purpose of this study was to develop a set of considerations for designing messages for mobile learning primarily through literature review and expert reviewers' feedback. The research methodology employed in the study is based on design and development research methodology (Richey and Klein, 2007). The study utilized Clark and Mayer's (2016) multimedia principles, Center for Universal Design's (1997) universal design for instruction (UDI) and mobile interface design best practices. Five expert reviewers with varied expertise in human computer interaction, special education, mobile learning, and instructional design were sought to review the considerations and provide feedback on its effectiveness for instructional message design. Overall the expert reviewers agreed that the considerations were effective and will be helpful to instructional designers, instructors of instructional design and content developers. They provided several helpful recommendations which were used to revise the considerations for designing content for mobile phones.