Browsing by Author "Mountain, Travis P."
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- Conducting an Outcome Evaluation of Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Kids’ Marketplace CurriculumWalden, Alyssa (Virginia Tech, 2019-08-08)Statement of the Problem: In 2003, Heather Greenwood, an Extension Agent within Virginia Cooperative Extension, created the Kids’ Marketplace curriculum. Since that time, the materials have undergone one revision in 2015 and have been used statewide in educating youth on financial literacy. The current curriculum includes an evaluation tool that asks participants to choose “Yes,” “No,” or “Maybe” to several questions surrounding whether or not they learned a specific skill or completed certain tasks within the program. While this information has consistently been used to create statewide impact statements, the questions asked of students are not correlated with the stated program objectives in a meaningful way and cannot show whether the program is teaching youth the desired outcomes.
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Tax RebatesMountain, Travis P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2020)Describes rules and restrictions on tax rebates for the 2020 CARES Act
- Dairy Pipeline September 2020Alward, Kayla; Cockrum, Rebecca R.; Martel, Cynthia; Mountain, Travis P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2020-09-08)This issue discusses reducing the negative effects of intramammary antibiotic infusions on gut function and performance in cows. And what’s behind a credit score?
- Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection ActMountain, Travis P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2018-09-20)Discusses the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, and how this legislation can benefit consumers by allowing them to freeze their credit files for free. Also provides links to credit reporting agencies, and links for more information.
- Getting Out of DebtMountain, Travis P.; Jones, William P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2020-08-19)Discusses various methods of paying down debt.
- Legacy Planning - A Guide For Virginia LandownersGagnon, Jennifer L.; Downing, Adam K.; Santucci, Mike; Mountain, Travis P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2020-11-11)Most woodland owners want their land to stay intact, in forest, and in family, even after they pass. Unfortunately, land is most vulnerable to subdivision, land use change, and being sold out of the family when it passes from one generation to the next. This is often a result of poor (or no) planning. Fortunately, with proper planning and communication, these unwanted changes can be avoided. This guide leads families through a 9-step process to help ensure everyone's wishes for the land are met.
- Ley de Ayuda, Alivio y Seguridad Económica por Coronavirus (CARES)Mountain, Travis P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2020)The purpose of this publication is to help consumers understand how the CARES tax refund will affect them. Before entering the CARES Law, it is important to take into account the changes in the filing date.
- Online course development to support adult learning of landscaping design principles to improve the curb appeal of a homeThacker, Rebecca (Virginia Tech, 2020-07-28)With the expansion of online access, there has been an increase in the demand for internet learning through both formal and informal channels. While online landscaping courses are available for future landscape professionals, few courses help the homeowner understand landscaping principles of design. Plants and Property Values, a self-directed online course for adult homeowners, was created to assist in understanding the principles of landscape design in order to improve the curb appeal of a home. This curriculum development and evaluation project serves to determine how effective this online landscaping curriculum is in presenting the basic principles of landscape design with respect to improving curb appeal. The author utilized backward design, the Plan-Do-Study-Act continuous improvement process, and andragogy to create a self-directed course that utilizes videos and a workbook. A pilot group of three participants completed the seven-module course and provided both qualitative and quantitative feedback on the effectiveness of the course on their understanding of landscaping principles of design, the effectiveness of the course on determining their current landscaping needs, and their comfort level of implementing some changes to the curb appeal of their own home after completing the course. Overall, participants indicated that the course assisted them in determining the landscaping needs for the curb view of their home, the course assisted in understanding the six principles of landscaping design, and better prepared them to take steps in implementing or maintaining their home’s landscape. Therefore, the curriculum is recommended for adult homeowners seeking to improve the curb view of their home, while also improving or protecting the value of their home.
- Overview of a Survey on the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Virginia Farms and Agribusinesses, Fall 2020Bovay, John; Haskins, Conaway B.; Larochelle, Catherine; Mountain, Travis P.; Price, E. French; Shuman, Nicole; van Senten, Jonathan (2021-01-04)This short report summarizes a survey conducted to gauge the impacts of COVID-19 on Virginia farms and agribusinesses.
- Plants and Property Values Course VideosThacker, Rebecca (Virginia Tech, 2020-07-27)This publication includes the videos utilized in an online curriculum Plants and Property Values for reference when viewing the project and report titled "Online course development to support adult learning of landscaping design principles to improve the curb appeal of a home".
- Three Essays on Econometric Modeling and Application: Health and Consumer BehaviorsKim, Namhoon (Virginia Tech, 2018-04-18)In the three chapters of my dissertation, I analyze the individual behaviors including health (vaccination and preventive care) and consumer (financial literacy) behaviors and the corresponding interventions by nonlinear econometric modeling. In the first chapter, I suggest an appropriate econometric model that investigates the effect of paid sick leave on workers' decision to receive the seasonal flu vaccination. For this investigation, I apply a Bayesian non-linear structural regression model with one-outcome and two-endogenous equations. The results of my estimation indicate that having paid sick leave affects workers' vaccination decisions differently based on their income levels. Low-income workers are willing to be vaccinated because they perceive the high cost of claiming paid sick leave. However, high-income workers are willing to be vaccinated because paid sick leave reduces the cost of vaccination for seasonal flu. In the second chapter, I suggest new econometric regression models that investigate the effect of "Don't Know" or "Refuse" (DK/RF) responses on parameter identification. I estimate the effect of group characteristics and financial education on the level of young respondents' objective financial knowledge and find the actual effects and biases by my suggested models. This study examines six questions about personal finance and selects covariates in the 2015 National Financial Capability Study (NFCS). Because these questions include DK/RF responses, a simple regression model that does not consider DK/RF responses could lead to misleading conclusions, such as gender/income difference and educational effectiveness in schools. In the last chapter, I investigate the effect of three health-related interventions including a doctor's recommendation, information about human papillomavirus (HPV), and HPV vaccination, on the misuse of cervical cancer screening including too-early screening, unnecessary HPV test, annual Pap test, and no Pap smear that are not recommended for women younger than 30 years. I examine the National Health Interview Survey conducted in 2015 and applies binary and multinomial logistic regression models. From the estimation result, I observe that doctor's recommendation plays a significant role in increasing the probability of receiving cervical cancer screening while it induces the too-early screening, unnecessary HPV testing, and overuse of Pap smears.
- Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax RegulationsMountain, Travis P.; Walker, Martha A. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2018-09-21)Discusses sales tax regulations in Virginia, and impacts on agricultural entrepreneurs.
- Your Financial Health - Balance SheetsMountain, Travis P.; Jones, Will (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2019-05-10)Discusses how a balance sheet provides a snapshot of a person's finances, and helps with financial planning.
- Your Financial Health - Cash Flow StatementsMountain, Travis P.; Jones, Will (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2019-05-02)Discusses the importance of cash flow analysis in relation to financial planning.
- Your Financial Health - Interpreting Statements & Using RatiosMountain, Travis P.; Jones, Will (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2019-05-08)Discusses a person's financial net worth over time, and how this may fluctuate, and also importance of analyzing financial performance.