Scholarly Works, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station
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VAES faculty are located at 11 Agricultural Research and Extension Centers in Virginia and three colleges at Virginia Tech (CALS, CNRE, and VMRCVM).
Browsing Scholarly Works, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station by Department "Animal and Poultry Sciences"
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- Cyberbiosecurity: A New Perspective on Protecting US Food and Agricultural SystemDuncan, Susan E.; Reinhard, Robert; Williams, Robert C.; Ramsey, A. Ford; Thomason, Wade E.; Lee, Kiho; Dudek, Nancy; Mostaghimi, Saied; Colbert, Edward; Murch, Randall Steven (Frontiers, 2019-03-29)Our national data and infrastructure security issues affecting the "bioeconomy" are evolving rapidly. Simultaneously, the conversation about cyber security of the U.S. food and agricultural system (cyber biosecurity) is incomplete and disjointed. The food and agricultural production sectors influence over 20% of the nation's economy ($ 6.7T) and 15% of U.S. employment (43.3M jobs). The food and agricultural sectors are immensely diverse and they require advanced technologies and efficiencies that rely on computer technologies, big data, cloud-based data storage, and internet accessibility. There is a critical need to safeguard the cyber biosecurity of our bio economy, but currently protections are minimal and do not broadly exist across the food and agricultural system. Using the food safetymanagement Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point systemconcept as an introductory point of reference, we identify important features in broad food and agricultural production and food systems: dairy, food animals, row crops, fruits and vegetables, and environmental resources (water). This analysis explores the relevant concepts of cyber biosecurity from food production to the end product user (such as the consumer) and considers the integration of diverse transportation, supplier, and retailer networks. We describe common challenges and unique barriers across these systems and recommend solutions to advance the role of cyber biosecurity in the food and agricultural sectors.
- Evaluating the relationship between fecal egg count, FAMACHA score, and weight in dewormed and non-dewormed Katahdin rams during a parasite challengeGalyon, Hailey R.; Zajac, Anne M.; Wright, D. Lee; Greiner, Scott P.; Bradford, Heather L. (Oxford University Press, 2020-10-01)The objective of this study was to evaluate and to estimate the relationship between fecal egg counts (FECs) and FAMACHA score and the body weight of growing Katahdin rams during a parasite challenge. One of the largest factors negatively influencing reproduction and economics in the sheep industry is gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) parasites. Due to anthelmintic resistance of these parasites, animals are selected for parasite resistance using FEC and FAMACHA scores. Data were used from the Virginia Tech Southwest Agricultural Research and Extension Center Ram Test in Glade Spring, VA, from the year 2012 to 2018 in which animals were tested in 14-d intervals for 70 d. Mixed models for repeated weight measurements were made from backward stepwise selection to evaluate the relationships between weight and GIN FEC. A total of 576 animals within 23 contemporary groups derived from test year and pasture group were analyzed. Ram, contemporary group, and consignor were considered random effects, and fixed effects were birth type, test day, age, age squared, starting weight, FEC, and FAMACHA score. Pairwise contrasts were used in the statistical analysis of parameters and their interactions. Weight and age were found to have a quadratic relationship. Increased FEC was associated with weight loss at a rate of 0.00030 kg/FEC (P < 0.0001). Animals dewormed at any point during the trial weighed less than those that were not and increased with test day to a maximum difference of 4.66 kg (P < 0.001). FAMACHA score was found to be significant (P < 0.05), but a direct relationship with weight was not conclusive. Overall, rams with severe enough parasite load to require deworming had lesser weights, which could impact the profitability of sheep production and reinforced the need to select animals that had greater innate parasite resistance.
- Lamb performance in hardwood silvopastures, II: animal behavior in summerPent, Gabriel J.; Greiner, Scott P.; Munsell, John F.; Tracy, Benjamin F.; Fike, John H. (Oxford University Press, 2019-11-25)Integrating trees into pastures, a practice known as silvopasture, may benefit livestock in the summertime through the provision of shade. The purpose of this project was to compare the behavioral patterns of sheep grazing in silvopastures and open pastures. Black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) and honeylocust (Gleditisia triacanothose L.) based silvopasture systems were compared with open pastures in a randomized complete block design with three blocks over two summers. Behavior measures were recorded within a replicate within a week, and these measures were taken sequentially within three experimental periods. Ewe lambs (n = 3) within each experimental unit were equipped with a wideband audio-recording device to detect prehension events. Time-lapse cameras documented sheep behavior every 60 s. In the silvopastures, the lambs spent over 90% of daylight hours within shade from trees. Lambs in silvopastures spent more time lying down than animals in the open pastures (P ≤ 0.01), while lambs in the open pastures spent more than 2 h longer each day standing (P < 0.0001). Lambs in the black walnut silvopastures spent more time grazing (488 ± 14 min · d⁻¹) than lambs in the honeylocust silvopastures (438 ± 14 min · d⁻¹; P = 0.0493) and lambs in the open pastures (417 ± 14 min · d⁻¹; P = 0.0026). There was no difference in grazing time for lambs in the latter two systems (P = 0.5597). Spectral analysis of the imagery revealed that the lambs in the black walnut silvopastures grazed more frequently than the lambs in the other systems for both years. The acoustic analysis, though limited by recorder durability to 47 complete recordings, revealed no difference in total bites taken per day (P ≥ 0.7222) or in the morning (P ≥ 0.2069), afternoon (P ≥ 0.5816), and evening periods (P ≥ 0.9337). Silvopastures provide an opportunity to improve lamb comfort in the summer.