Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (SANREM) Knowledgebase
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The Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (SANREM) Knowledgebase is a collection of information resources (books, reports, journal articles, videos, movies, presentations) produced or identified, classified, and summarized by SANREM researchers. This collection provides direct access or links to resources relevant to sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. -
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Contact Information:
Feed the Future SANREM Innovation Lab
Office of International Research, Education, and Development (OIRED)
526 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0378
Telephone: +1 (540) 231-1230
Fax: +1 (540) 231-140
Browsing Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (SANREM) Knowledgebase by Content Type "Fact sheet"
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- African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT): Conservation agriculture for improved livelihood and better environmentAfrican Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) (African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT), 2002)This pamphlet describes the African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT), which is a non-profit organization dedicated to information networks and partnerships that support the adoption and adaptation of Conservation Agriculture in Africa. This publication also explains the ACT's current goals and projects, membership, reasons why individuals and groups should join ACT, and the ACT operational and management setup.
- AVRDC Genebank accessions finding their niche in vegetable-agroforestry systemsMercado, Agustin R. Jr.; Javier, E. (Tainan, Taiwan: The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC), 2009)Summary: Several GRSU germplasm accessions from Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines have been evaluated in vegetable agroforestry systems (VAF) in Mindanao. VAF with suitable trees and vegetables has been shown to improves farm productivity and increases farmer income by 20-100% compared to non-VAF systems. (extracted from article)
- The Binahon agroforestry farm: A case study of unity and diversity, balance and sustainabilityEspaldon, Maria Victoria O. (Laguna, Philippines: University of the Philippines at Los Baños College., 2008)Summary: This resource booklet accompanies the DVD, Taming the Land, the Wind and the Sun: The story of the Binahon Agroforestry Farm. "The Binahon Agroforestry farm is a model upland farm that incorporates sustainable agricultural practices. It is a must see place where one can learn and experience the different application of farming systems for production as well as conservation." (excerpt from introduction)
- Budidaya katuk dan prospek pemasarannyaAnggakusuma, Denta; Kurniawan, Iwan; Rahmanulloh, Arif; Dahlia, Lia (Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF),, 2008)Katuk (Sauropus androgynus) or sweet leaf is an indigenous species from Asia, and mostly found in India, Malaysia and Indonesia. It's not only consumed as food but also used for medication and to increase and accelerate mother's breast milk since it contain calorie, protein, mineral, carbohydrate, vitamin A, B1, C, and antioxidant. The brochure is created to give information and brief guideline especially for the smallholder farmer in developing Katuk and the marketing potency. It explained about general description of Katuk, technical guide to plan the stem, marketing of the product and financial analysis. The average yield per hectare mostly ranges at 3 ' 4 tons and first harvest period is starts in the age of 3-4 months. Based on the financial analysis of Katuk intercropping with Cassava in Ciampea sub district, Bogor resulted that net income from Katuk intercropping with cassava in the area of 500 m2 is IDR 16, 445,298 per year. The potential markets for Katuk leaf are Tangerang, Bekasi and Jakarta, and also medicine producer in Bandung, West Java. The price is range from IDR 10,000 ' 15,000 per kilogram.
- Budidaya Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum annuum)Susila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes cultivation of pepper plants (Capsicum annuum).
- Budidaya Tanaman Honje (Etlingera eliator)Susila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes cultivation of torch ginger, Etlingera eliator.
- Budidaya Tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna unguilata)Susila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes cultivation of yard long bean.
- Budidaya Tanaman Katuk (Sauropus androgynus)Susila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes cultivation of katuk, Saruopus androgynous.
- Budidaya Tanaman Kemangi (Ocimum sp.)Susila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes cultivation of kemangi, basil.
- Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran Daun Dataran RendahSusila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes cultivation of leafy vegetable crops.
- Budidaya Tanaman Terong (Solanum melongena)Susila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes eggplant cultivation.
- Budidaya Tanaman Terubuk (Saccharum elule)Susila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes cultivation of sugar cane.
- Budidaya Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicon esculentum)Susila, Anas D. (Bogor, Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University and SANREM CRSP, 2008)The brochure describes tomato cultivation.
- Cartilla de informe de resultados de investigación participativa en suelos: Presentación y entrega en taller de devolución de información con agricultores del Municipio de UmalaChambilla, Carola; Gonzales, Miguel Angel (La Paz, Bolivia: Fundacion PROINPA, 2008)El objetivo de los trabajos realizados en SUELOS, es que los pobladores de la comunidad de Vinto Coopani, conozcan las características de su comunidad de acuerdo a sus percepciones. Y conozcan la información obtenida con los estudios en suelos. El trabajo se desarrolla en la comunidad de Vinto Coopani, perteneciente al Municipio de Umala, del altiplano Central, Provincia Aroma. Los temas de investigación están relacionados con la identificación de los tipos de suelos que existen en la comunidad, los principales problemas que se presentan en los suelos y prácticas de enmiendas
- Cartilla de informe de resultados en Clima: Presentación y entrega en taller de devolución de información con agricultores del Municipio de UmalaGonzales, Miguel Angel; Jarandilla, Claudia; Chambilla, Carola (La Paz, Bolivia: Fundacion PROINPA, 2008)El objetivo del proyecto es medir el bienestar del medio ambiente y las estrategias de vida, a
- Cartilla de informe de resultados en plagas y clima: Presentación y entrega en taller de devolución de información con agricultores del Municipio de UmalaJarandilla, Claudia; Gonzales, Miguel Angel; Chambilla, Carola (La Paz, Bolivia: Fundacion PROINPA, 2008)El objetivo de los trabajos realizados en PLAGAS, es que los pobladores de la comunidad de Vinto Coopani, conozcan las principales plagas de su comunidad y su manejo o control integrado. Y conozcan la información obtenida con los estudios de fluctuación de plagas. El trabajo se desarrolla en la comunidad de Vinto Coopani, perteneciente al Municipio de Umala, del altiplano Central, Provincia Aroma. Los temas de investigación están relacionados con la identificación
- Conservation agriculture for food security in the PhilippinesUniversity of the Philippines - Los Baños (Los Baños, Philippines: University of the Philippines - Los Baños, 2010)This brochure describes the project to promote Conservation Agriculture as a technologically-feasible, economically-viable, environmentally-sustainable and gender-responsive production system that will contribute to food security of small farm communities in the Philippines.
- Conservation agriculture: Profitable and sustainableFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. United Nations Development Programme (FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), 2000)This pamphlet explores conservation agriculture (CA), including its definition and principles, benefits, technologies, implementation, and frequently asked questions. CA relies on three basic principles: permanent soil cover, minimal soil disturbance, and crop rotations. CA provides numerous environmental, social and economic benefits, but adoption of CA has been relatively slow world-wide.
- Conservation farming steps for hand-hoe farmersGatere, Lydiah; Tembo, Nemiah (Wildlife Conservation Society and SANREM CRSP, 2008)Conservation Farming (CF) refers to a number of practices that in combination conserve soil, moisture, fertilizer (organic & synthetic), seeds, energy, time and money. The technique: protects soil from damaging effect of rain splash; reduces run-off & keeps more rain in field i.e. rain harvesting; makes best use of fertilizer and seeds; allows farmer to finish land preparation well before the rains come so they are ready on time.
- Devolucion de resultados investigacion participativa: Tema Clima CalahuancaniSANREM CRSP LTRA-4 (La Paz, Bolivia: Universidad Mayor de San Andres, 2008)Los pobladores de Calahuancani conozcan el comportamiento climático que se genera en las zonas y las tendencias a futuro para entender los cambios que posiblemente se puedan generar.
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