Traffic Simulation Management System


The Integration Traffic Simulator is software used by researchers, traffic planners, and traffic engineers from all over the world. The software can be helpful to simulate important factors such as safety or environmental risks after being given input data such as road networks, speed limits in the network, number and types of cars that usually travel on the network, etc[1]. However, the software is currently only able to run one simulation at a time with no way to store metadata and no easy way to re-run old simulations. This means that using the system, especially for someone who regularly uses the simulator and might have to run hundreds or thousands of simulations, could take an exceptionally long period of time and old simulations could get misplaced. To fix this problem, our team was tasked with creating a web application. The goal of the application was to provide one convenient system capable of easily running new simulations and storing hundreds of old simulations with all their information for later reference. We successfully implemented a fully usable system that allows users to run new simulations, see previous simulations, view the outputs of any simulation, re-run old simulations, download simulations as a ZIP file with everything needed to reproduce them, use custom versions of Integration, and more. We used React for our frontend, we used Node.js for the backend, and we connected the two using an API. MongoDB is used to store simulation metadata while the filesystem stores actual simulation files. In this report, we will fully discuss the requirements, design, and implementation for the application. In addition, we have included a user manual explaining how to use the application's features and a developer manual with all information required for installation and future development.
