A proposal for the Museum of Art/Tallahassee at the Wahnish Cigar Factory Historic Site in the All Saints District

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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

This project addresses the possible connections that occur when a place is studied at the geographic, urban, neighborhood, street, building, and personal scales. The project is located in an under-utilized area adjacent to Tallahassee's central business and state government center known as the All Saints Neighborhood. The Design Thesis which, focuses on the Arts Museum, is part of a larger study titled Implicit Structure. At all of the scales referenced above, implicit structure is a method that seeks a transformation of the inherent qualities and evolving possibilities of a particular place/ occasion. It is a critical process of revealing similar to Henri Bergson's description of the evolutionary moment: "Each moment is not only something new, but something unforeseeable;... change is far more radical than we suppose - to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating one's self endlessly."

Henri Bergson
