Short course in social network analysis

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The week-long short-course was designed to introduce participants to the theory, applications, and methods of social network analysis (SNA). SNA is currently becoming a popular approach to analyzing a wide range of social and biophysical relationships. However, it has a long history and has evolved along various disciplinary pathways. The workshop introduced basic SNA terminology and concepts (egos and alters, structural equivalence/roles, network density, degree and betweenness centralities, etc.). Participants were familiarized with various theoretical perspectives and approaches. The potentials of these modes of explanation were investigated through review of real world applications and workshop exercises. The workshop also addressed SNA research methodologies, including how to design survey instruments and develop sampling frameworks, through data collection and analysis, and the development of visual presentations. Workshop exercises created a learning-while-doing environment.



Stakeholders, Community institutions, Local knowledge, Social network analysis, Nodes, Ties, Farmer field schools, Local networks, Gephi, Exchange theory game, Farm/Enterprise Scale


Presented at the Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, 11-15 March 2013