Sustainability Values Interactive Web Diagnostic


Sustainability Values Diagnostic, an Interactive Website for Values Diagnostic Reporting and Analysis, is a project for CS 4624 with Dr. Fox. The goal of this project is to develop a website that supports a survey created by our client, Dr. Hull. This survey is designed to help sustainability professionals and students learn about their own preferences, values, and opinions as well as how they compare to others around them. This will in turn help them understand themselves, become better listeners, build productive collaborative efforts, and manage conflict. This website must allow users to take Dr. Hull’s survey, analyze their answers, and provide them with feedback about where they fit in relation to their sustainability values. After giving the user their results, all the data needs to be compiled in such a way that Dr. Hull can download and analyze it for his own research. All of the data accumulated will be kept anonymous to maintain the user’s privacy. This data will allow Dr. Hull to see where his students’ and colleagues’ values lie and how to tackle these sustainability issues in the future.

The survey was created by Dr. Hull to analyze a person’s sustainability values and compare them to other people who have also taken the survey. There are two types of questions in the survey. The first asks the user to divide $100 among different options to determine outcomes of sustainable development efforts. The second question type asks users to react to a scenario with a degree of agreement from strongly disagree to strongly agree. These answers are used to perform data analysis and give the user a report, as a downloadable PDF file, that clearly states the user’s values and biases. In addition to this, the report displays how the user compares to previous users’ responses.

The website is hosted on the PythonAnywhere platform, which is very easy to use and manage, for both ourselves and Dr. Hull. It also allows us to have a lot of functionality without having to set up the server, database, and other components ourselves. The website’s current URL is​.

This project was started by a CS 4624 group in 2018, by Brizuela, X., Stewart, C., Mistry, H., & Eltepu, S. That group’s effort is the base for the current project. We have used some of their previous work for our project, but have also rebuilt the website to better fit our goals. This project will also be passed on at the end of the semester to Dr. Hull, and if needed to another CS 4624 group. This increases the need for detailed and thorough documentation. With this project we will be creating a User Manual, Developer's Manual, and well commented code on Github. This will allow for easy editing of the website if needed.

Included in the submission is the group's final report. This contains all the documentation the group created over the semester. The group's final presentation, given to the CS 4624 class on May 2nd, 2019, is also included in the submission. The group presented at the VTURCS Research Symposium on April 30, 2019 and has included their poster from the event.

Sustainability Values, CS 4624, Diagnostic Reporting and Analysis, Dr. Bruce Hull