Accessibility Report

Report created by:
Wen Nie Ng

[Personal and organization information from the Preferences > Identity dialog.]


The checker found problems which may prevent the document from being fully accessible.

Detailed Report


Rule NameStatusDescription
Accessibility permission flagPassedAccessibility permission flag must be set
Image-only PDFPassedDocument is not image-only PDF
Tagged PDFPassedDocument is tagged PDF
Logical Reading OrderNeeds manual checkDocument structure provides a logical reading order
Primary languagePassedText language is specified
TitleFailedDocument title is showing in title bar
BookmarksPassedBookmarks are present in large documents
Color contrastNeeds manual checkDocument has appropriate color contrast

Page Content

Rule NameStatusDescription
Tagged contentFailedAll page content is tagged
Tagged annotationsPassedAll annotations are tagged
Tab orderPassedTab order is consistent with structure order
Character encodingPassedReliable character encoding is provided
Tagged multimediaPassedAll multimedia objects are tagged
Screen flickerPassedPage will not cause screen flicker
ScriptsPassedNo inaccessible scripts
Timed responsesPassedPage does not require timed responses
Navigation linksPassedNavigation links are not repetitive


Rule NameStatusDescription
Tagged form fieldsPassedAll form fields are tagged
Field descriptionsPassedAll form fields have description

Alternate Text

Rule NameStatusDescription
Figures alternate textFailedFigures require alternate text
Nested alternate textPassedAlternate text that will never be read
Associated with contentPassedAlternate text must be associated with some content
Hides annotationPassedAlternate text should not hide annotation
Other elements alternate textPassedOther elements that require alternate text


Rule NameStatusDescription
RowsPassedTR must be a child of Table, THead, TBody, or TFoot
TH and TDPassedTH and TD must be children of TR
HeadersPassedTables should have headers
RegularityPassedTables must contain the same number of columns in each row and rows in each column
SummarySkippedTables must have a summary


Rule NameStatusDescription
List itemsPassedLI must be a child of L
Lbl and LBodyPassedLbl and LBody must be children of LI


Rule NameStatusDescription
Appropriate nestingPassedAppropriate nesting

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