BLACKSBURG, Va., March 2, 2010 – Jacquelyn E. Bruhn, of Fairfax, Va., a first-year student majoring in biochemistry in the College of Science, died Feb. 27, 2010, following an automobile accident.
In addition to her academic work, Bruhn was a member of the Marching Virginians.
Visitation hours will be held Saturday, March 6 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 4 to 8 p.m. at Demaine's Funeral Home (5308 Backlick Road Springfield, VA, 22151, (703) 549-0074).
A memorial service will be on Sunday, March 7 beginning at 3:30 p.m. at Immanuel Bible Church (6911 Braddock Road, Springfield, VA, 22151, (703) 941-4124). A reception at South County Secondary School in Lorton, Va., will be held immediatly following the service.
Should students and others from the Virginia Tech community wish to attend the visitation hours and memorial service, the Bruhn family has asked local families to open their homes for overnight lodging. Contact the Dean of Students Office for more information.
Those in the university community who may wish assistance or desire counseling support may contact:
Referrals to a campus cleric may be done through the Dean of Students Office at (540) 231-3787.
The following is a personal note from Jackie's parents, Mike and Barbara Bruhn, posted March 4, 2010
Blessed friends and family, we are in awe of the love showering our lives during this time of extreme anguish. God’s grace is endless, as we experience comfort in the arms of His servants. As we draw near to the hardest time of our lives, we cling to the Truth and Hope in Christ Jesus, demonstrated by your presence, your calls, your emails, your gifts, your unending prayers, and so many personal deeds. The expanding network is miraculous, as we receives notes and calls from classmates in Iraq, family in Australia, friends in China, and all across this nation; with commitment to be at our side this weekend. So many are coming to celebrate Jackie’s life. Our tears flow as we attempt to grasp the Holy nature and purpose of this bitter sweet event. Our family could not endure any of this without the reflection of Christ’s love in and by so many.
Through His hand the schedule is now set as stated below. The reception will follow the Celebration and be held at South County Secondary School where she played trumpet in the marching band. We ask in advance that you also join us for this reception, and if inclined, be prepared to share a humorous story about Jackie. We will have an open mike time during the reception for anyone to share how Jackie brightened their lives.
Also, we would ask that anyone who has a story to be told, also write it down and email us, so we could have special pieces of Jackie’s life to hold and remember. Finally, if you have any pictures or video of Jackie and her friends that you could share, please email those to before Friday. He is graciously putting together a multimedia presentation in her honor.
We are truly experiencing Light in spite of so much darkness, hope during immense loss, comfort in spite of excruciating pain…only because of all of you and Who you serve. We look forward to seeing so many of you this weekend amidst our suffering. God is simply amazing…Without Him we are lost.