Harrell, SaraColes, Ann2019-01-252019-01-252015http://hdl.handle.net/10919/86966The Hispanic population represents a significant portion of American society. With regard to postsecondary enrollment, this ethnic group will experience the largest growth among all racial and ethnic groups and grow by 27% between 2011 and 2022. In order to understand the role of the school counselor in preparing Latino and other underrepresented students for the transition to college, Excelencia in Education and NACAC conducted a national survey and observed counseling practices at six US high schools that were successfully supporting underrepresented populations during the college application process.application/pdfen-USCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalcollege application processLatin American studentscollege enrollmentcounseling in higher educationCollege Counseling for Latino and Underrepresented StudentsReporthttps://www.nacacnet.org/globalassets/documents/publications/research/excelencia.pdf