Hogan, John2018-01-102018-01-102011-12-19http://hdl.handle.net/10919/81665Sometimes opportunity knocks, but most of the time it sneaks up and then quietly steal away. Doug Larson, nationally syndicated American columnist for the Wisconsin-based newspapers Green Bay Press-Gazette and the Door County Advocate The co-authors of a new book on Social Media shared a somewhat unique perspective in their 12.6.11 blog posted on the Harvard Business School site. The blog title - People Are Not Your Greatest Asset - did not dismiss the value of people in today's corporate culture, but offered a sentiment for leaders that went beyond to examine how we treat the people in our organizations.en-USIn CopyrightHospitality industrySuccessTeam empowerinvestacademic and corporate educatorHow do you spell SUCCESS?Articlehttps://www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4054205.html