Ares, AdrianMoore, Keith M.Kelly, Michael D.Mulvaney, Michael J.2016-04-192016-04-192011SANREM CRSP Working Paper No. 01-12 SANREM CRSP is sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and host countries around the world. The SANREM vision is to support sustainable agriculture and natural resource management decision makers in developing countries by providing access to appropriate data, knowledge tools, and methods of analysis in addition to enhancing their capacity to make better decisions to improve the livelihoods and the sustainability of natural resources. The research theme of the SANREM CRSP’s current phase is to develop conservation agriculture production systems (CAPS). Our research engages stakeholders of all levels to develop sustainable, localized farming practices. Increasing smallholder’s agricultural productivity and local food security through improved cropping systems that contribute to and take advantage of improves soil quality and fertility is our ultimate goal. Also, implementing CAPS farming systems will maintain a year-round soil cover, minimize soil disturbance by tillage, and utilize crop rotation systems. This multi-country program is also comparative, with research identifying common elements that affect CAPS adoption.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightConservation agricultureResearch programSANREMEcosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale Governance WatershedResearch strategy reportReport