Shively, Gerald E.2016-04-192016-04-192000Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 62(1): 55-690167-63691573-2959 only recordThis paper applies a dynamic model to examine the incentives and consumption risks associated with investments in soil conservation for small hillside farms in the Philippines. The author compares model results with observed data on soil conservation practices. The model results predict consumption risks for small farms lead to inefficient adoption of soil conservation practices, which aligns with the observed trends in soil conservation; adoption patterns are strongly influenced by the risk of the conservation technique, the relative risk vulnerability of individual farms, and the farm size.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightFood consumptionSoil erosionSoil conservationSmall-scale farmingModelingPovertyEconomic modeling and analysisConservation incentivesVulnerability and riskSustainable agricultureAgricultural investmentEconomicsThe PhilippinesConsumption riskUpland agricultureMaizeHedgerowsFarm/Enterprise ScaleSoil conservation and consumption risk in a model of low-income agricultureSoil conservation and consumption risk in a dynamic model of low-income agricultureAbstractCopyright 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers