Brantly, Nataliya D.2024-01-222024-01-222021-04-01 to the cybersecurity risks and potential hazards presented using biomedical devices. US Military and civilian personnel use these devices on the Homefront and battlefield. As the use of biomedical devices increases with time and blurs the lines between private and professional, more attention is required of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to understand the strategic importance of securing biomedical devices. This work provides a better understanding of biomedical devices and analyzes current use of biomedical devices within DoD. It also provides recommendations on actions DoD can undertake to safeguard its workforce today and in the near future. This article examines the significance of cybersecurity for biomedical devices within the context of US national security and demonstrates the important role biomedical cybersecurity plays for DoD.Pages 93-110application/pdfenIn CopyrightcybersecuritymilitaryDODdefensepolicythreatbiomedicalHomefront to Battlefront: Why the U.S. Military Should Care About Biomedical CybersecurityArticle - RefereedThe Cyber Defense Review62Brantly, Nataliya [0000-0002-5122-4931]