Burger, James A.Davis, VicFranklin, JenniferZipper, Carl E.Skousen, Jeffrey G.Barton, Christopher D.Angel, Patrick N.2021-04-232021-04-232009-07http://hdl.handle.net/10919/103097Productive native forests create economic value for landowners, produce raw materials for wood-based products, and provide benefits such as watershed control, water quality protection, carbon storage, wildlife habitat, and native plant diversity. Owners of lands mined for coal in Appalachia are increasingly interested in assuring that productive forests are restored after mining. Sediment control is essential to coal mine reclamation under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). Here, we describe how mining firms can achieve good tree survival and restore forest productivity by using tree-compatible ground covers, when necessary, to control erosion and meet ground cover standards.application/pdfenPublic DomainTree-Compatible Groundcovers for Reforestation and Erosion ControlReport