Canario Viana, Marcus ViniciusWattam, Alice RebeccaBatra, Dhwani GovilBoisvert, SebastienBrettin, Thomas ScottFrace, MichaelXia, FangfangAzevedo, VascoTiller, RebekahHoffmaster, Alex R.2019-10-082019-10-082017-022576-098Xe01688-16 canis is a facultative intracellular pathogen that preferentially infects members of the Canidae family. Here, we report the genome sequencing of two Brucella canis strains isolated from humans and one isolated from a dog host.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalGenome Sequences of Three Brucella canis Strains Isolated from Humans and a DogArticle - RefereedMicrobiology Resource Announcements