Savoy, Marcia Ann2022-05-092022-05-091976 purpose of this research was to explore any significant correlations between age, marital status, parental status, age at birth of first child, number of children in family, wait from marriage to first birth, job status, educational status, religious preference and attitude toward timing of parenthood. The sample consisted of 103 males in Blacksburg, Virginia. It was a heterogeneous sampling which included males at all social levels ranging in age from 18 to 71 years. Previous research had shown little conclusive data in this area. Using a scale of 10 Likert-type items coupled with a demographic sections, the research attempted to designate items showing an inclination for subjects to prefer early or late parenthood. The data were analyzed by the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and the one-way analysis of variance. The most significant relationships occurred between attitude scores and age, marital, parental and job states, and wait from marriage to the birth of the first child.v, 59 leavesapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightLD5655.V855 1976.S28Male attitudes toward the timing of parenthoodThesis