Stockland, Robert Thomas2022-07-192022-07-192022-07-18vt_gsexam:35244 research solves current RF propagation modeling gaps by modifying a single-frequency electromagnetic propagation analysis technique for use on communication signals and propagation channels. This research extended the Methods of Ordered Multiple Interactions (MOMI) algorithm to communication signal propagation studies through the use of Fourier decomposition thereby allowing the analysis and prediction of communication signals propagating over rough surfaces. Current methods of predicting and analyzing communication signal propagation rely on either using only a single frequency instead of a band of frequencies, stochastic techniques that model the environmental effect on the propagated signal, or on empirical models based of large amounts of measured situational data. None of these methods fully capture the actual effect that an environment imparts on a communication signal as it propagates. This research also modifies the Physical Optics (PO) algorithm utilizing Fourier decomposition to compare the Extended MOMI algorithm to. Both algorithms are applied to propagation scenarios utilizing frequencies in the 1-GHz and 5-GHz bands against a series of signal bandwidths and surface roughnesses. The results are analyzed singularly for Extended-MOMI and against Extended-Physical Optics to better understand the benefits associated with using the Extended-MOMI, the limits of the narrowband approximation, the errors incurred when utilizing a simpler or faster propagation algorithm, and to generally characterize these rough surface propagation channels. This research also defines and explores which metrics provide the best characterization and utility for communication signal propagation with the additional insights of amplitude-frequency-phase relationships the new algorithm provides.ETDenIn CopyrightMethod of Ordered Multiple InteractionsRough Surface ScatteringRadio PropagationNarrowband approximationCommunications Signal PropagationCoherence BandwidthA Study of Electromagnetic Scattering of Communication Signals by Randomly Rough SurfacesDissertation