Cárdenas Chávez, A.2016-04-192016-04-1920072795_Cobertura_Vegetal_indicadores_1.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/67133This document is a 26 page descriptive analysis of changes in vegetative cover in Alumbre and Illangama sub-watersheds, Bolivar Province, Ecuador. This paper contains descriptive data, maps, and a preliminary assessment of causes of change from 1990-current period.application/pdfes-ESIn CopyrightWatershed managementVegetative coverDynamicsFragmentationEcuadorSANREMEcosystemAnálisis de paisaje: Cobertura vegetal y uso del suelo e indicadores biofísicos: Tasas de cambio, representatividad y fragmentación microcuencas Illangama y AlumbreWorking paper