Rhoades, Robert E.Zapata RĂos, X.Aragundy, J.2016-04-192016-04-1920060-85199-949-2http://hdl.handle.net/10919/68229Metadata only recordThe fifth chapter uses a combination of satellite imagery and interviews to understand the loss of glaciers in the Andes. While symptomatic of seasonal change and reduced levels of snow, the loss of glaciers in Cotacachi presents a serious problem for water availability in agricultural and household use. Local people are increasingly aware of the loss of the Cotacachi glacier and how this has affected water use even in the span of their lifetimes.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightWater useClimate changeSeasonal changeRainfallGlaciersWater availabilityEcosystemClimate change in CotacachiAbstractCopyright CAB International 2006