Proctor, NicholausGilboy, ElizabethBlackburn, GraysonHarrell, Sara2020-01-032020-01-032019-10-18 County owns a former 60-acre capped landfill which is generally bordered by Eldon Yates Drive, Eureka Drive, and Old Mine Road with access via Eldon Yates Drive. The landfill closed in the mid-1990s and has since been monitored for environmental stability and safety to the general public. A shooting range, which is used by law enforcement officials from around the county, opened after the landfill closed and is currently in use. There are, however, plans to relocate the shooting range which would create opportunities to redevelop the former landfill site into a public recreation amenity. Page County would like to create a mountain bike park on the property providing a mountain bike skills training area, biking and hiking trails, and provide a venue for special events, such as for traveling mountain bike competition circuits. The goal is for this to serve as a recreational development project that will boost tourism and the local economy as a regional attraction, increase county-wide trail efforts, and provide a park with walking trails for local use. It is envisioned that the site be used by Scholastic Mountain Bike teams as well as mountain bike events. Long-term it is envisioned that this park would be connected to other parks in the town of Stanley.Pages 1-7777 page(s)application/pdfenIn Copyrightlandscape architectureenvironmental remediationconnectivityoutdoor recreationtrailscampingStanley, VA: Page County Landfill Mountain Bike Park Conceptual Master PlanReport2020-01-03Proctor, Nicholaus [0000-0003-0984-2119]