Flora, Cornelia B.Flora, Jan L.Campana, F.Fernández-Baca, Edith2016-04-192016-04-192001http://hdl.handle.net/10919/65397Metadata only recordThe everyday activities of individuals and communities are generally channeled and limited by decisions about resource allocation and regulation that are taken beyond the local level. These decisions may or may not be contested and the "beneficiaries" of those decisions may or may not be aware of them. Further, these decisions are made not only by governments, but also by corporations and non-governmental organizations. Information is always used to justify those decisions, but it is often sought after the decision to validate the course taken rather than before the decision to inform it.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightLocal governanceNatural resource managementAgenciesDecentralizationSocial capitalNatural resource allocationRegulationsCultural differencesDecision makingResearchersPolicymakingCivil societyMarketsState institutionsGovernanceThe advocacy coalition framework: A theoretical frame for SANREM to address policy change and learningAbstractCopyright 2000 by the SANREM CRSP All rights reserved